Part 2

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A/n hi thanks for reading and bye bye


Dear Diary,

As you know I really like jackson but so does rocki and we both know rocki would kill me if she knew I had a crush on him. Jackson obviously likes her and thinks of me like a sister. I mean yeah we live in the same house but we aren't related. I'm just gonna retell the story of how I started to like him. First time I stared to think I had a tiny crush on him was when me and mom moved in. I don't know he just looked so cute standing there with his mouth open. Then the second time was at the baseball game.  I was super jealous. I mean both Jackson and lola left me alone. So what teenage girl  wouldn't be jealous. The third time was when we went to the Halloween place. I mean what girl would not like a boy after he side hugs you in a protective manner. I mean seriously who wouldn't. Then when he got back at popko for posting that video of me. I mean yeah he called me his sister but still I loved that he protected me. So I just wanted to remind you how I started to like him. Also me and the girls are getting our dresses today and I cant wait. So bye.

                                   Love ramona♥️


A/n I just wanted a filler chapter so vote comment and bye

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