Chapter 8

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The next morning arrives as Kanna wakes up and yawns

She walks out and sees y/n waiting

Kanna:Good morning Y/n...were you waiting for me?

Y/n:Not all night obviously...

He pats her head

Y/n:Yea...sorry if that's weird...

Kanna:No it's fine,thank you y/n...

Y/n gives a bright smile

Y/n:Thanks kid...

Kanna:I'm excited for the first day...

Y/n:I was too...

Kanna:How was school for you y/n...

Y/n looks at her with a bitter smile

Y/n:Lets....let's just worry about you Kanna...

Kanna sees his sadness and doesnt push further onto the topic

She runs and grabs her backpack but notices its heavier

Y/n:I went through the list of your school stuff and organized it all in your backpack for you...I even put all the keychains on for you...

She opens it up

Kanna:You did this?


Kanna:It looks too neat to be organized by you...

Y/n:What's that supposed to mean...

Kanna:Your not usually like this is all...

Y/n:I'm always organized!

Kanna opens y/n's door and shows how messy it is


Y/n:Hey,listen here! I'm paying for this house meaning I can treat my room however I please!

Kanna:Your setting a bad example for me...


He has no words or comeback,he's accepted defeat...

Kanna:I win...

Y/n:Damn it kid....I'll clean it later...

Kanna:I'm just joking y/n...

Y/n:No your right...I should be setting a better example for you...

Kanna walks to the door

Kanna:So are we walking?

Y/n:I got something even better...

Kanna:Your're gonna turn into a dragon and fly me there?

Y/n:Well I can't do that but,I have the next best thing!

He opens the door as a brand new car is waiting with the driver seat door open

Kanna's eyes sparkle

Kanna:Is this ours?


He pulls out the keys

Y/n:Wanna start it up for me?


Y/n:You know it kid...

He hands her the keys as she jumps into the front seat

Kanna:How do I start it?

Y/n:You place the key in the slot and twist it...

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