유Finally Fessing Up유

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With your fabulous host: @AnIdiotOnTheInternet

So Halloween's coming up! A time of wondrous costumes, free candy, scary movies, and more! And if your 14 and up that means possibly you and people around you dressing in sexy versions of everything that the light touch's making everyone feel extremely awkward! So keeping with the awkward Halloween spirit I pranced around Wattpad and asked @SleepyNinjaa , @HipsterInTheMaking , and @AllBeautyDestroyed (Avanthe) some Halloween questions!~

Question #1: What has been your worst Halloween experience?

@SleepyNinjaa: Last year, when I had to dress up as a cameraman. My friend was a reporter so I had to hold a homemade "camera" (a box stuck with a finished toilet roll) and we didn't get many candies. Other than that, I had to turn back quickly at my house to study for a Physics' test =__=

@AllBeautyDestroyed: Erm, I would say way back in eighth grade (I don't celebrate Halloween often), when the train of my outfit was stepped on by some dude with huge feet and ripped the back of my corpse bride dress to expose my fanny to the people of the Halloween neighborhood. It sucked, yes, but I had so much make-on on that no one knew it was me, aha! >:D

@HipsterInTheMaking: Haha xD I don't have much experience since I don't really trick or treat, but I did go to a haunted house last year..and it was less scary than I made it out to be. I saw this flyer online, a haunted house at the local world theater and I told my brother yolo we should go. If you know me personally, you'd know I really really really hate anything scary. When we went there the line was really long and I was starting to regret going there and begged my brother we should go back home. Of course, he wouldn't say yes xD. We went inside and my palms were sweaty and my heart was beating like oh shit why did I do this. The haunted house started inside a theater room and we watched a video of zombies taking over the world and then...we went upstairs..the worst part of the whole thing. A zombie jumped out of closet door and scared my brother. He just laughed xD. I was on the side laughing too because I was trying to hide my fright. The zombies only scare you if you're scared if you laugh they won't do anything for the most part. So I just laughed the whole way through, looking like an idiot. xD In the group I was in, some lady, I didn't know was holding on to my arm or she would stand behind me, scared for her life. I'm probably going to yolo and go this year too. 0.O

Question #2: What was your first Halloween costume?

@SleepyNinjaa: My first Halloween costume. . . *tries to think of one* mm. . . I think it was an "Evil Chef" where I had taken an apron, splattering it with red paint and applying make-up on my face to look like a zombie. The best costume ever too xD

@AllBeautyDestroyed: If I remember correctly, it was Snoopy 'cause my little cousin wanted to be Woodstock? xD

@HipsterInTheMaking: Okay..my first Halloween costume was actually two different ones-you know so you can go around the neighborhood more than once. I thought it would be a wonderful idea to pick a costume at the last minute. So I decided to be a witch and found a random dress and a hat in my closet. The 'second' costume was me with the same dress, but an upside down hat. For some reason, I thought I was Jasmine for Aladdin. xD Hahah

Question #3: What has been your worst experience with a scary movie?

@SleepyNinjaa: Last year, during my summer vacations. I had gone in my cousins' house and they had invited their best friend who happened to (still) be my crush and on of them suggested to watch a scary movie. We put it on and the horror movie was "The Eye" (Japanese version). I was sitting besides that crush and when something too scary happened, I covered my face with a pillow and accidentally snuggled closer to him, making things for us awkward for the rest of the day. So yeah xD

@AllBeautyDestroyed: The Ring.... that mother ruined my innocent childhood. I had to watch A LOT of cartoons after that--and couldn't go to the bathroom by myself for a week!

@HipsterInTheMaking: Scary movies? Unless my life was in danger, I would probably not watch them. It would most positively scare me for life, literally. I still have problems till this day. Of course, there's the occasional yolo moments. Haha xD This one time my brother told me we were going to watch a 'fun' Japanese movie. About this girl who came from another planet and her mom was dead when she was born, including the fact that her dad was dead too. So this girl 'Kimiko' is off her way to school. Cute, little innocent girl. Nothing scary about that. Then one second..later oh gosh it was terrible. So scary it made me nearly pee in my pants. Let's just say I was disturbed for at least half a year..

Question #4: Any advice to the readers about movies, safety, how to get the best candy and all that jazz?

@SleepyNinjaa: You definitely have to watch "The Eye" and "The Exorcist" so you can get into the Halloween spirit! Also, use some onions and place them around your bed together with holy water to keep away vampires, zombies and your mom who is going to wake you up for school.Best neighbor makes us best candy. Make sure you'll create some cozy relationships with your neighbors so they'll take a liking to you and probably give you chocolate instead of a toothbrush ;) PLUS. Dress up as something scary. A fairy is normal. But the tooth fairy is scary xD

@AllBeautyDestroyed: Movies: if you shiver and get easily scared with only watching the previews at the theater, don't watch it. (Though I LOVE scary movies.) Safety: When out and about on Halloween, stay in a group and stick close together. Just because there are little kids trick or treating doesn't mean that Halloween is safe. Also: PLEASE, ladies, be aware that if your outfit is under the category of "revealing" then you will be checked out by pedo-freaks. o_o How to get best candy: Houses with the best effects (lights, sounds) or with kickass decorations are usually the candy loot of all jackpots. I used to be a very slick trick-or-treater. >;{D

@HipsterInTheMaking: If you have any older siblings or anybody mischievous that's related to you and its during Halloween, don't you dare come close to them. Because that scary movie will be right up your ally. Now if you want your "fair" share of candy than get a lot of costumes and change into one of them as you make your 99th stroll through your neighborhood. Now if you want your "fair" share of candy than get a lot of costumes and change into one of them as you make your 99th stroll through your neighborhood. As for safety, remember to check all your candy because apparently there are people that want to poison your goodies. Remember, bring a flash light and DON'T go alone.


Thank you so much to @HipsterInTheMaking , @SleepyNinjaa , and @AllBeautyDestroyed for being..so... so very honest with me xD

But now you guys know the do's and don't's for Halloween so go out there and have tons of fun, candy, and maybe a little bit of action if you know what I mean >;{D *BRICK'D*

Owwwwww.... Nonetheless, I hope you all have a happy Halloween and I'll see ya on the internet's later!~

- @AnIdiotOnTheInternet

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