Chapter 6

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Yoongi's pov:

I was ready to run and find Y/n but before I could even make a step, someone grabbed my sleeve. I turned to see that blonde boy with the angelic smile. I scratched the back of my neck in confusion. "What?" my husky voice made him smile even more. "Did you wrote my song?" his voice was sweeter than sugar. I gave him a fake smile. "Yes, but it's not ready yet!!" I exclaimed.

"It's okay, I wanna hear It!" he said and I sighed, leading him to the practise room with the big black piano in the middle. I started looking at my sheets. I grabbed the paper with the lyrics. He took it from me and read the title. "Serendipity?" he laughed and I nodded while playing the piano to show him the rhythm. He started reading the lyrics out loud.

" None of this is a coincidence
  I am just gong with the flow
The world is different than yesterday
Just with your joy!"

He smiled at me, playing the piano with melancholy. "The lyrics are really good but I believe that you should play it a little more faster. Not that much of the melancholy! It's a love song. Not a heartbreaking song!" he said and I thought about it a little longer. "Okay! I could do that!" I said and my fingers crushed on the piano keys like the sea waves landed on the shore letting my feelings blow with the wind and feel the love I was talking about in the song. That love that she only belonged to her. I was ready to tear up because of all the feelings that started running through my body. Jimin started singing like he knew the melody already when I haven't even taught him. He didn't even sing a note wrong or flat.

His voice was like those morning birds when you open up your window and enjoy the morning sun. That's a feeling I had years to remember. His angelic image made my inner self calm after a long time, until we reached the first chorus. That's how far I went with the lyrics. He perfectly sung the last word I wrote. "That was amazing Yoongi!" he put his hand on my shoulder and shook it.

"Thank you, but still I don't know how to continue it!" I said and he put his index finger on his jaw.  "Mmhhh... What about 'You are my penicillin - you saved me'?" He sung instead of just saying the lyrics. " Thats a perfect idea! Sit!" I said and made him sit right next to me so we could finish the song but my ming was still to her.

Taehyung's pov:

I ran to my dressing room, leaving everyone behind. I slammed the door but I have to admit I couldn't control that devilish smirk on the corner of my lips. I looked at the mirror and realised that my lips had a natural box shape and that made me laugh even louder. No one rejects Kim Taehyung. Now little Y/n has no job so basically she needs to beg for forgiveness and then may I will go back crushing for her. I smiled at the mirror and started fixing my hair.

The door of my dressing room fell open without even someone knocking. How dared to actually do that. I turned to look at the weak boy. Are we serious?! Jeon Jungkook? He got in and closed the door behind of him. "What are you doing here?" was the first thing I managed to say.

"Why did you lie?" I furrowed my eyebrows at him and he took a step closer. "I didn't!" I played dumb and he smiled. "Don't lie to me Taehyung! I cant belive that you did something so selfish to a poor girl" I could see the anger in his eyes. "I had my reasons that I don't have to explain to a crappy person like you" I fire at him. " I am not gonna let it pass like that!" He said and ran out of my room. At first I felt threatened but I shook it off. What can he do to me? He is a zero compared to me! That stupid country boy! I turned to look at the mirror at this beautiful reflection.

Jin's pov:

I was running behind of her. Running and running. My feet were kissing the land until I was just crushing them on it so fast. I ran like the winter breeze, colliding into inanimate objects and crashing waves hitting the shore line. Like a herd of cheetahs racing through verdant meadows. Until I saw her back. I saw her getting in the train. That was when my feet started speeding up reaching the speed light and jumping in the train just a second before the door closes. She was sitting alone in the corner, looking right outside of the foggy window. I sat right next to her and we had an awkward silence at first.

"Did you follow me?" she finally asked and I nodded. "I am so sorry about what happened Y/n!" I confirmed and she smiled. "It's okay!" she nodded back at me. "You are gonna return back. I promise!" my hand accidentally fell on her hand. She looked down right away to see at our hands being the one on top of the other. She started stuttering. "Y/n... I..." I said and she pulled her hand away but slowly. "Jin... I" I said and I put my hand on her cheek this time. She looked down and I giggled.

"You don't have to worry about anything! I will take care of you! I will protect you Y/n! You can always count on me!" I said and her eyes went watery. I pulled her into a tight hug and placed her head on my chest.

Jungkook's pov:

I was right outside his door. Namjoon's door. My hand sligtly touched the door but it actually made a sound for namjoon to hear. He ordered me to come in so that's what I did. It was my first time entering his office alone so I could see his excitement. "Oh Jungkook! Come in!" he said and I nodded. He put me to sit and I knew that this was my time to actually speak.

"So what brings you here?" he asked me and I took a deep breath. "Kim Taehyung!" I actually said and took out a small recording divice. I know that what I did was 'slightly' illigal but who cares. I pressed the play bottom and all of the conversations started playing until Namjoon heard the confession. Taehyung admitted it. Y/n was innocent. His eyes widen. "I can't believe that he lied!" he said with disapproval. "I talked to Y/n like that and then fired her! Because I believed him!" he confessed.

I could undrestand that he might was feeling stupid at the moment cause he believes easily things, exactly like me. So I tried to encourage him. "It's okay sir! I mean... You have so many things to take care of!" I tried to be supportive and he smiled. "Thank you Jungkook for letting me know! I won't tell Taehyung anything! But please do me a favor! Send someone to find Y/n and tell her that I really wanna talk to her!" he got up from his chair grabbing his cigarette. I nodded and got up leaving him alone.

I wanted to find Jin right away but for my bad luck Taehyung saw me exiting Namjoon's office. He started running towards me aggressively. Oh no! He grabbed me by the neck and placed me to the wall. "What did you do?" I was trying to breathe. "How can I tell you if you are not letting me breathe?" I managed to say. He let me go and I started breathing. "What did you say to Namjoon?" He asked and I was ready to open my mouth and answer but that's when Namjoon got out of the office.

"Oh hey guys!" he caught me by surprise, actually being so soft. Basically... Acting is the right word. "Jungkook shall you do that thing I told you!" he asked politely and I nodded, starting running away from that monster. I needed to find Y/n and Jin.

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