It was September 2012 when Lauren Lance and Tommy Merlyn waltzed into Euphemia Carrington and Laurel Lance's shared apartment discussing the party that Tommy Merlyn had decided to throw in his recently returned best friend who also happened to be his fling's ex. Euphemia, or rather Effie as she went by, was working on her laptop on the couch wearing her suit when she saw the 'couple' arguing, rather loudly about the party.

"Do you mind? Some of us are trying to work." She called out to them, prompting them to turn their attention to her, which usually would be a good thing if the party weren't happening that night, "Effie can you tell Laurel that going to the party would do her well." Tommy began, "Effie can you tell Tommy that the party if for my ex and that I have no desire to see him, again." Laurel countered, sending her lover a harsh glare.

"Tommy. Laurel. Do you mind not bringing me into your mess when I'm working?" Effie patronised, however at the look that Laurel sent her she released a deep sigh and closed her laptop before turning to the 'couple'. "Tommy, Laurel is her own boss and she can do whatever the hell she pleases." She began before turning to Laurel and adding "Laurel, Tommy is just saying this because he's a little bitch who can't say it to your face that he wants you two to get along because he's his best friend and you are the woman he cares about the most." 

Tommy's face turned to one of disbelief and horror as Effie had no problem in saying what he was indeed feeling while Laurel looked like a deer caught in headlights, both tried to utter a reply but couldn't their prides coming into play more than they should have. Although Laurel's pride had more than enough reason, seeing as Oliver was her ex and her sister had died while cheating with him.

Then as the two tried to come up with excuses for Effie's brutal honesty, the phone of the redhead in question buzzed, signaling she got a message, which she quickly read and replied before standing up completely. With her phone in hand and an amused smirk on her face she began to walk to her bedroom while calling out "I, however, am going to the party. Tommy you're driving me."

Her words seemed enough to snap the duo out of their search for proper words, Laurel huffing in reply as she knew that if Effie was going, she would never hear the end of it while Tommy did a small victory dance in his place. "What changed your mind?" Laurel inquired, sighing, "Thea texted me, I haven't seen her since the news of her brothers return broke the media." Effie replied.

Laurel walked to her room, leaving Tommy alone in the living room to pull on a dark blue, nearly black dress and some pumps while Effie pulled on a dark purple body suit with a plunging neckline, a beige tight wrap skit and some suede grey heeled and mid thigh boots. She curled her vibrant red hair just slightly to give it the illusion of waves before she finally stepped out, earning a double take from the other two. "I keep forgetting that when a Carrington goes out, they go full out." Tommy mutters while Effie merely smirked at him. 

Effie had met Oliver Queen before, hell she had been his childhood friend along with Tommy, but unlike the boys she was more focused on her academics and career than partying, which meant she graduated at age 16 from high school due to having advanced two years and graduated Ivy League top of her class at 21 and was entrusted with most of her father's company shares when she was 22. Meanwhile Oliver dropped out of 4 Ivy Leagues, slept around consistently and drank daily as well as seemingly dying in 2007 when he, Effie, Tommy and Laurel were all 22.

She had been part of the 4 musketeers before she went off to college early and only reconciliated with Laurel after the accident that took her sister and boyfriend, while with Tommy it was more for Laurel's sake.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2019 ⏰

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