Drevios was waiting at the entrance of the organizations complex at Ventaru returned.

"Did you retrieve the piece?" Drevios had his arms crossed. Ventaru nodded and rummaged through his bag and pulled out a small fragment with the pattern of snake scales. Drevios led Ven inside glancing back at him every so often like he had something to say but kept quiet. The two entered the largest building, large white columns scaling up from each side. The room was bright and pure white with no shadows or a visible light source except the large black serpent shape that seemed to suck in any light that passed in front leaving a pure black silhouette except for the five pieces already collected, scattered at random along the snake silhouette. Ven felt something pulling against his shoulder and when he looked down Ven saw his satchel being pulled slightly towards the Ouroboros stone mural. Ven reached down into his bag and pulled out the stone shard. The stone pulled against his hand and pulled stronger the closer Drevios and Ven got to the mural. Drevios stopped in front of an altar and extended his hand to the side.

"Ven, the piece." He said, not looking at Ventaru. Ven walked up to Drevios and placed the piece in his extended hand then Drevios placed the piece on the altar. Ven looked on in amazement as the piece levitated above the altar then flung itself at the empty space. Drevios turned around and walked out leaving Ven alone with the mural.

Ven was heading to the kitchen to grab something to eat before going to his room when he encountered Styx in the hall.

"Hey man." Styx greeted him. Ven was going to ignore Styx but he kept following him.

"What do you want." Ven stopped and turned to Styx who had a huge smile across his face.

"So I've been thinking, this place doesn't have a name so I thought that we could brainstorm some ideas since you're the creative one." Styx was fidgeting with excitement as he said that.

"Alright, I'll muse this." Ven said, "Now what's your idea?"

Styx crossed his arms. "I was thinking something that conveyed the organization." He was silent for a few seconds, "How about 'Hollow Bastion', because we are Hollows and we live in a fortress?"

"Nah, but a good starting idea, how about 'Hollow Crevasse'."

Styx jumped at that name. "Yes, yes, that will be perfect. Let's bring it up with Drevios." Styx danced a little as he walked away.

Hmm...'Hollow Bastion' sounds familiar. Ven thought as he made his way to the kitchen after Styx.

Silvius was hovering over a small pot holding up a timer. Styx was shifting in his seat, waiting for his meal in the microwave. Renn and Drevios wheren't here yet. Ven's set path was to the fridge. He opened it and stood still, thinking before grabbing a block of cream cheese then closing the fridge reaching over to the cabinet with the bagels. Ven grabbed the bag of bagels and pulled out two.

"You need to eat something other than bagels." Silvius began stirring the pot with one hand and reaching for spices with the other.

"It tastes good though." Ven said while splitting the bagels and spreading the cheese.

Again a sharp, static like pain raced through his head.

"Used to eat it all the time as a child so even though I feel no joy by eating it, It's more out of habit kinda, it's hard to explain." Ven was going to leave it at that but Silvius pressed him onward. "It makes me remember what it was like to have a soul. By eating the bagels, I get reminded of my time in Han with my family. Keeps me human in a sense." Sivius seemed to understand until a small detail hung her up.

"Family? I thought you said you never had one." Silvius looked away from her pot for the first time.

"I don't know who my blood related family is but I do have one. Madamine and Mickamine are the closest I got. Lived with them since the beginning of my memory." Ven munched into one of the bagels, silently telling Silvius not to ask any more questions.

Drevios walked in without Renn and Styx jumped up.

"Hey boss, Ven and I came up with an idea. We should name this place Hollow Crevasse!" He shouted. Drevios sighed.

"But why 'crevasse'? Shouldn't it be 'crevice' instead?" Drevios sat on a stool by the counter.

"Well I meant it as a contradiction, like our existence. It's impossible for ice to form here and it should be impossible for us to exist too." Ven said before munching into the second bagel.

"I like your idea, lets keep it." Drevios said. Ven noticed Drevios staring at him as he ate.

"Okay man, what do you want." Ven put his bagel down, leaned over the counter, and looked Drevios directly in the eye trying to make his voice as irritated as possible.

"Nothing." He said before standing and leaving, obviously in thought.

Ven huffed and right after a spark of pain shot through his head. Ven had to steady himself with the counter.

"I got to go." He said curtly, abandoning his second bagel on the counter, and rushed out the room after Derevios.

"Silvius," Styx said, "Is it just me or did Ven look really angry."

"That's impossible Styx, he can't get angry just like us." Silvius said returning to her pot and sighing. "Ven doesn't like unanswered questions so he's probably hunting down Drevios."

"What you said makes no sense. If he can't get angry or irritated then why does he demand to know the answer to every question. Typically we just to drop because it doesn't, more like can't, irritate us." Styx was adding pressure to Silvius.

"It's just in his nature to know just like it is in yours to keep pressing unnecessary topics, now eat your dinner." She said taking her pot off the stove.

Ven couldn't find Drevios anywhere so he decided to retire to his room. He had no idea what was happening to him. A tight feeling in his chest and tension on his jaw was alarming him.

Ventaru walked along the wall of the main corridor that led to his room. As he reached the door Ven noticed that it was open. Ven approached slowly and peared around the door frame. Drevios was rummaging through his room. Another spark of pain shot through his head and Ven spun around the door frame and jumped on Drevios.

"The hell you think you're doing!" Ven shouted. Drevios summoned his lance and push upwards on Vens neck. Ven was forced to get off or be strangled.

"What is wrong with you!" Drevios shouted at Ven who was standing by the door shaking with was seemed to be rage.

"I should be the one saying that! Ever since I came back from my mission I have seen you spying on me and staring at me. This is pushing it, what do you want with me!" Ven got closer to Drevios but he held out his spear keeping Ven back. Ven was outraged by this and took his own weapons out.

"I read what was in your diary when you were gone about those sharp pains you occasionally get, the ones that feel like a spark. I was keeping an eye on you and I overheard what you said about the bagels so decided to see if you were hiding anything else!" Drevios was nodding over the the now open journal on Ven's desk then nodded in Ven's direction. "It seems that you are less human than you thought."

Ven was still shaking, his teeth gritted and bared, in a offensive position. Ven was experiencing the impossible. Ventaru Aeternum was enraged.

The rage left as fast as it came leaving Ven a exhausted huffing mess by the door. Drevios stood still for a few moments longer then letting go of his lance, disappearing as soon as he let go. Drevios stood, hand on chin, thinking before flinching as if an idea hit him.

"Come with me." He said before taking Ven by the wrist and almost dragging Ven to the Ouroboros chamber. Ven had almost fallen over when Drevios shoved Ven in front of the Ouroboros mural. He was watching Ven carefully before letting out a large sigh and walking away.

"Drevios, what is this all about?" Ven shouted after Drevios.

"I sent the location of next piece I want you to go after to you. I want it before the end of the month." He called over his shoulder. "Surf will accompany you for this one so meet up with her before you leave."

Ouroboros Part 1Where stories live. Discover now