chapter 1: leader conflict

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It was the monthly check in of the team leaders. Everything was going smoothly with the elder letting them talk, when suddenly a member of the earth clan burst through the door. Sean was immediately on his feet and ran over with his apprentice and he caught them.

"Liza what happened" he asked her with a extreamly concerned tone.

"F-forest! Fire!" She panted out.

Kelp and Peter were immediately up and running out the room to help. The elder dismissed them to go help and they led them out.

Looking down upon the world, watching the smoke rise into the sky, letting the cold air fill their lungs, they knew what they had to do next, and they were very hesitant.

"It's time..." they mumbles and retreated back into the mountain.

Elliot was talking with his friends in orchestra and they all were complaining equally about how difficult it was. They shared laughs and jokes and the bell rung.

"See you guys tomorrow and yes Carson I will remember to bring the rice krispies tomorrow" he laughed a bit whole walking out with him.

"You better" he replied and playfully punched his arm.

They went their separate ways and elliot made his way up the stairs. He sat in normal chair and talked to his classmates. While reading the book he felt something drip from his nose and soon after passed out.

He woke up sitting in a chair, his head was throbbing. "Sorry for the uncomfortable travel here. You will get used to it soon enough. It's usually like thos for first timers" the elder said.

"W-who are you? W-where am I" elliot stuttered out.

"I'm sorry elliot I'm-"

"How do you know my name?!" He interrupted and stood up.

The elder put a hand on his shoulder. "If you let me explain then I promise you that it will all become clear" they said as they pulled down their hood down, revealing their black hair and purple eyes. "Call me luna" she finished.

Elliot sat back down and ran a hand through his hair. "Ok then. Explain" he said and looked at her, watching as she brought a chair over.

"Welcome to the clans. There are different clans that focus on different things. There are main clans called the toxic clan, ocean clan, sky clan, earth clan, mystery clan, darkness clan, and my clan. The wisdom clan. I'm the only member. We need a strong new member of any of the clans. You are the person for the job." She finished.

Elliot stared at her with a blank look, almost as if his brain shut off. "I know it's a lot to take in, but I need to show you something" Luna said and took him through a hall way full of statue of old wisdom clan members.

"Wait....wait..." he mumbled while looking at one of the name plates. "Skylar rose Ward...Lucas snow watson... " he whispered and jogged to catch up with luna.

"Have I already had a clan chosen or..." he trailed off, not liking the idea of having to choose a clan.

"That's where we're going" she smiled at him.

They walked into a room with each clan leader at a table and a huge stone hole full of water that seemed to be glowing, in the middle. Elliot stood their holding his arm, confused.

"When you dive into the water we shall know what clan you shall go to" luna explained.

Elliot felt as if everyone was glaring at him, they all were, except one. He took a breath and jumped into the water without a second thought. He sank and sank, almost like he was being pulled down. He knew it was a bad idea, bit he looked down. Nothing but darkness.

He was pulled back out and he laid on his back, coughing and catching his breath. Mutters surrounded him and he just closed his eyes, not caring what they were saying.

"Hey buddy time to get up" the voice of a young man said and he opened his eyes, taking his hand.

He lifted him up off the ground and patted his shoulder. Luna was smiling brightly and everyone else was almost death staring him, Jekyll glaring right back.

"You are just like them" luna said in awe. "You have a trait from every clan" she smiled at him.

"See you tomorrow" jekyll said.

Before elliot could even respond he was back in his class room and it was only the end of class. He was shaken up and a bit scared.

"Man you must have gotten like zero sleep last night" chloe said to him.

"Thanks to you we all had to read the book on our own" zach scoffed at him.

Elliot clenched his fist as some blood dripped from his mouth. He wiped it away and the bell rang, elliot was the last to shuffle out of the room.

He was glad that it was Friday and that with this new clan thing he wouldn't have to deal with his step mom and her little bitch that is zach.

He walked home, taking the long way and when he got home he went straight to his to room. He ignored all the questions from his dad and the calling from his step mom.

Man this was going to be fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2019 ⏰

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