i wanna bewitch you

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Glorious. That's the word that comes to mind when thinking of him. She never knew how much someone could mean to her. Even by doing nothing. Or the simplest things. And he's only maksed. He's a nameless ghoul. The water ghoul.

There was a connection there and everyone could see that. His eyes held all his feelings towards her. He never wanted this night to end, nor did rebecca.

As the final cords were being played he kissed his favourite pick and gave it to her. Being front row was a good choice for rebecca. She smiled as he put the pick in her hand, his finger tips lingering on hers. It's like the universe stopped. Everything was in slow motion. Nobody else was there but the two souls.

Rebecca couldn't explain this feeling with words but knew what it was. She was under his spell. He bewitched her. Her eyes never left him as he walked around the stage and as the curtain fell. Tears welded up in her ocean eyes. Watching him bow and then disappearing in the fog was almost a heartbreak. She wanted to see him again.

Maybe only in dreams. That's how they're meant to be. But one thing was for sure.

Rebecca, for the first time in her life, knew what being in love felt like. Love at first site as people call it.

She's never felt more alive.

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