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~3'd person pov~

   Four boys were in a dark room, one of them fiddling with what looked like an old radio. "Almost finished Alok?" Axel, a boy with purple hair and eyes asked. "Almost," The smaller boy with green eyes that had a hypnotic swirl in them responded, having blue hair and a wrench in his hand. 

The other, Quissen, was a red headed boy with a mask over his face. The last, Ace, had brown hair  and eyes. Ace was on a bed coughing and wheezing, having been sick for a few days. "You alright Ace..?" Quissen questioned looking to his brother. 

  "I... I am f-fine Quissen..." Ace reassured him. The three sitting down all looked at each other, it had now been a few months since the outbreak happened. After Ace had gotten sick, they were unsure of his fate. "Let's hurry this up," Axel said. Alok nods continuing to fiddle and move wires in the radio. 

  "Do you have the batteries?" Alok asked. "Yep," Quissen reached into his pocket and took out two batteries handing them to Alok. The swirly eyed boy put the batteries inside the radio and turned it on. 

  "Ha!" He says in approval seeing his work paid off, but there was only static.  "I don't hear anything," Axel says. "That's because usually you have to change the channel, and I don't think we'll hear anything right away anyways," Alok says. 

   The other two nodded, Quissen looked to Ace, then Axel. "You think he's gonna be OK..?" Quissen asked. "Hey, Ace has been through a lot, he can fight off some fever," Axel says. "That's the thing... What if it's not a fever..?" Quissen asked

  "I'm sure everything will be fine," Axel reassured his friend. "I should go get the supplies," Axel says standing up. Quissen nodded, Axel took a paper from his pocket. "I think I have everything we need written down, while I'm gone see if you can find something on the radio," Axel said. 

  Axel put the paper back in his pocket and walked out the door, slowly making his way to the front door of the house. "Doesn't sound like anything's out there..." he says slowly opening the door. He peeked his head outside, all clear... for now. 

  Axel summoned a glowing purple spike into the air. He jumped onto it and made his way across town. "That's odd...Nothing and no one around... Guess that's a good thing," he says to himself. He stopped at a supermarket, this should have everything they need...

  He hopped down and climbed through a crashed window. "Ugh... I hate it when it's this quiet..." the purple headed boy said to himself. He walked through a few isles checking the list. "Hm... A lot of stuff has already been taken..." 

  Axel walks into a medicine Isle. "This should have some stuff to help Ace..." he said to himself. He took some ibuprofen, and sighed. He heard a bang from somewhere in the store and whirled around. 'The first to call out 'hello' in the dark dies first in horror movies... but so does the person that investigates... so.... make a run for it?' Axel questioned in his head

  Axel backed away and looked around for somewhere to hide. 'But there's still so many things I haven't gotten! We still need water and batteries in case the radio dies...' Axel thought to himself. 'Ya know what? forget horror movies I need to find out if it's a survivor,'

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