together again

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~3rd person pov~

   Axel nodded looking at Aku. "But... How? He doesn't remember anything about his past," He says. "We're not sure... but we do know that he's not gonna hurt anyone," Ivy said. "How long has he been... you know..." Axel questions. 

  "A few weeks at most... We don't know how he got bit..." Ivy says. "I see..." Axel say looking at Aku, then Ivy. "When did you find him?" he questioned. "Him and Mirage went out looking for supplies, Ashley and Cassidy had been injured, Arakan was sick, the rest of us were helping them heal, so Mirage and Aku were the only ones who could go but... neither of them came back..." she explained

  "Few days later Arakan was better so he went to find them... That's when he saw Aku like this," Ivy said. Axel nods "I'm sorry... That must've been hard for you..." he says. Ivy hugged Axel "I'm just glad you're safe..." she says.

   "Same here Ivy... Same here... But Ace has a fever and I need to bring him this medicine and water," Axel says. Ivy nods "I can help you take it there," she offers. Axel nods, taking Ivy's hand. The couple and the zombie walked through the stoor. 

  They got a case of water and Axel took a pack of batteries, putting them and the ibuprofen in his pocket. Ivy clicked her fingers teleporting them back to the Nightmares base. "Stay here Aku," she said to the boy. Ivy and Axel walked into the room the other's were in. 

  "Ivy???" Quissen and Alok question. Ivy smiles at them and then looks to the bedridden Ace as he coughed. She sighs, Ivy and Ace never had really gotten along, but seeing him like this... She felt bad. "I got ibuprofen for Ace's fever," Axel says handing Quissen the medicine.

  Quissen nodded "Thank you Axel..." he says. "You should come back to the inn with me and the other's," Ivy says. "Cassidy misses Ace... And I miss Axel," the green skinned girl took Axel by the hand.  "And the more the merrier right?" she questions.

  "C-Cassidy... Is a-a-alive..?" Ace questioned weakly looking to Ivy, she nods and smiles. "Sounds like a plan," Quissen says. Ivy looks to the radio. "Wait where'd you get that!?" she questions. "Found it," Alok says

  "Is it working!?" Ivy asks. "Yep, we just need to wait until something comes up," Alok says. "I think there's something we should explain before going to the other's..." Axel says. Ivy looks at him and then realizes he meant Aku. "Y-Yeah... Aku come here!"

  Aku walked up and looked at the other's "WAIT-" ALok and Quissen backed away. "He's not gonna hurt anyone," Axel says. "He's been like this for a while... but he's not going to eat anyone OK???" Ivy asks. Quissen and Alok look at each other, then Aku

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