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Dear reader, welcome to the BookShelfClub! (Aaaand that just sounded like the introduction to Jurassic Park, a very good look into our unoriginal joke repertoire :) ) We are a newcomer-friendly and small community of writers and readers in order to review and improve each others works. And this is just what this book is about! We want you to see for yourself if out community does a good job in perfecting our books, novels or one-shots. Therefore you will find the beginnings of various stories in the following chapters, each of which is unique in their own way. We have a wide range of genres, from mind-blowing sci-fi to thoughtful historical fiction, from fear inducing horror to pulse-raising thrillers and so on. I bet you out there will find something that suits your mood and mindset in here, just dive into the sea of possibilities we will give you here. And of course, to support and boost their confidence,  be sure to check out the original writer and leave a vote and maybe even a subscription on their newsfeed!
And now, without further ado, let's start with our first story teaser...

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