[ new job ]

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changbin wiped his hands on his apron again, ridding his fingers of the whipped cream and different flavored drizzles that had found their way onto his hands during the workday.

"ten minutes until close, thank god." he sighed, beginning to shut the machines around him down, as his coworkers rushed past him, to finish up the last few orders of the remaining customers. he slumped against the wall as he flicked the last machine off, sighing and running his hand through his hair.

"i'm so ready to get out of here," an older girl with short hair muttered, tossing a broken to-go cup in a trashcan under the counter.

"hah, me and you both, yerin." changbin replied with a sharp laugh. he began to untie his apron when the bell above the door rang, signaling a new customer. changbin's eyes flicked to the door, and he shot a glance at the tired looking boy shyly stepping inside the door.

"we've already shut down the machines, sir." changbin snapped, keeping an icy glare on the boy.

"i'm not here to get a drink, so calm down, dude." the boy snipped back, all traces of shyness disappearing. "i'm here to get an application. the sign says you're hiring."

changbin's glare softened. "oh, i'm sorry. it's been a long day. i'll be right back with an application for you."

changbin smiled apologetically at the boy before slipping away to the back of the store, grabbing an application from a stack of freshly printed white papers on a shelf. quickly glancing over it, he snagged a pen from a cup nearby, and shuffled back out to the counter, handing the pen and application to the boy.

"feel free to stay here and fill it out, if you want." changbin said, turning around, ready to walk away.

"wait!" the boy exclaimed, causing changbin to jump. "could you erm- maybe help me? i haven't really... filled out any applications before, heh."

changbin shook his head before untying his apron and throwing it over a nearby hook. he sighed before slipping out from behind the counter, and walked over to a table, wiping crumbs from it with his hand.

"yeah, i'll help. come here." he ordered, pulling out a seat for the other. the boy sat down with a grateful smile, setting the paper gently down on the table, and clicking the pen. "i assume i write my name down first?"

changbin nodded, pointing at the space for the boy to scribble down his name with his index finger.

"christopher?" changbin read as the boy wrote, raising his eyebrows at the name. "you do not, and i hope this doesn't come off as rude, look anything like a christopher."

the boy, christopher, chuckled quietly, filling out the following spaces asking for his birthdate and other information. "i get that a lot, actually. you can call me chris, if you want. it's a little more suiting, i suppose."

the two sat at the table for around thirty minutes, and as soon as the application was finished, chris slid it across the table to changbin.

"i have absolutely no idea where this goes, so i'll just give it to you and hope it gets in the right hands i guess." he smiled a bright smile before clicking the pen again and handing it to changbin. "see you soon, maybe?"

changbin glanced over the paper, making sure chris had filled everything out correctly before wordlessly nodding and heading behind the counter again. "maybe." he flashed the boy a tired half smile before disappearing into the back office.

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