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changbin had no idea if chris would get hired or not, as he had just left the application on his boss' desk and left, not even bothering to say anything to anyone on his way out. he was exhausted from the days work, as it was an extremely busy and overwhelming day, and, as luck would have it, all of the rude customers that changbin detested had to come in that day.

he stood on the step of him and his mother's small apartment, fishing the key out of his pocket and swiftly pushing it into the lock, twisting it quietly.

"mom, i'm home!" he announced, kicking his shoes off onto a small mat by the door and shutting the door behind him, clicking the lock.

he didn't raise an eyebrow when he heard no reply from his mother, as he could almost 100% guarantee she was passed out on the couch from an almost twelve hour shift at a diner down the street. as he passed the small living area, he found that his guess was correct, and his mom was sprawled out on the couch, still in her work uniform, the television controller laying on her chest.

changbin smiled at the sight he saw everyday upon arriving home from work, and he made his way over to his mother, quietly picking the controller off her chest and switching the tv off, setting the controller on the dirty stand next to the couch. he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before disappearing to the apartments single bedroom, the room that changbin's mother had begged him to take, as she felt since he was both a student and a worker, as well as a growing young adult, he'd need his own space. he had argued and tried to get his mother to take the room for herself, but in the end, his mother won, and he ended up taking the room.

he hadn't decorated it very much, aside from a small desk, and some black bedding, as well as numerous amounts of books, papers, and notebooks scattered around the room, on the floor, desk, and bed.

he sighed, setting his backpack down on the chair that sat in front of his chair, unzipping it and pulling out two textbooks and a notebook. since he and his mother couldn't afford internet, he had to get all of his assignments out of textbooks instead of having them all on a laptop, like everyone else. he didn't mind it as much as everyone thought, though. he didn't exactly grow up with lots of technology, like everyone else, so he didn't really understand the hype of doing online homework or whatever. people called him old fashioned because of it, and although he wanted to argue, he always left it alone, knowing arguing would just cause more problems.

he exhaled again, pushing his bag onto the floor and picking up a pencil as he sat down, flipping open his first textbook, beginning to scan the page for the answers to the problems he had copied down during class. after about an hour, he slammed the second textbook shut, yawning loudly. clicking the button on his cheap lg phone, he glanced at the time, 10:18 PM, and yawned a second time, stretching out and standing up.

he tiptoed out of his room, glancing over to make sure his mother was still asleep on the couch, and she was, just as he had last seen her, peacefully asleep. he smiled again, glad to see his mom getting the rest she needed, although her resting so much meant changbin didn't get to spend much, if any, time with her, but he understood the circumstances and never complained about all the time she spent at work or sleeping.

he sneakily made his way into the kitchen, doing his best to make sure he wouldn't wake his mother as he made himself a sandwich, and got himself a bottle of water from their dirty white refrigerator. he stood, leaning against the counter, to finish off his small meal. as he finished, he began filling his bottle back up and shoving it back in the fridge, before making his way back to his room, not bothering to shut the door. he flopped on his bed, work clothes and all, and picked up the book nearest to him, reading until his eyes felt heavy, and he began to doze off.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2019 ⏰

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