Love is Wild

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My eyes well up and I can feel that they are sore  from all the crying and pain they've suffered
Fear shatters my body one by one until my bones are numb
He takes a step towards me, the man I once loved, the man who once gave me everything.
Only to now be a shell of the person he once was.
I can see pain in his eyes too even though he masks it with anger and hatred
Taking it out on me once again, I'm used to it. 
I'm helpless.
Time stands still as I'm abused
Hurt doesn't hurt me anymore
The bruises and scars never heal
Everything is in slow motion.
I can't remember this night in particular
It happened quiet
Shouting became white noise to me
My ears could no longer make out any hurtful sounds
Screams echoing out the window turn into a silent call
The earth looks as if it were turned red
With despair, anger, and fury
I dream about floating into the air
Where no one and nothing will touch me
Where I will feel free
And I will land like a flower on the meadow

Love is wild 

My lover was falling apart
Disintegrating in this heartless world
I can't remember much more
Cause everything happened so quiet
My dreams felt as if they were dead
But I wouldn't let his abuse get the best of me
I took control of my own body, my own life
I raised my voice over his for the first time in ages 
I returned from the shadows of my thoughts and destiny
I spoke my truth
I spoke so he could hear every tear-filled word
My voice was breaking in agony and fear
But I wouldn't let it stop me
Even if I died I would at least die knowing I tried to give myself a better chance at life 
I will bleed until you see what you're doing
The pain you're causing
To me and those around you

Love is wild

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2019 ⏰

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