Under The BigTop

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They have me walking on a tightrope without a net.

A circus act with a morbid twist.

An act, a freak, a laugh.

All I seem to be is the pun of some inside joke-

A joke that spreads like a wildfire and everyone seem to know it but me.

Every time I start to slip I can hear their laughter  like the background to a broken soundtrack

Constantly on r-r-r-re-re-repeat

As I finally start to take another step, I can hear the tigers' roar as the circle under me

If I slip I know all i'll do is plummet to the stone floor,

A place I don't want to be but I know I might slip

I can hear the laughter of the clowns, their skit trumping my balance.

The BOOM of a cannon and I slip

Down and down I go

The ring master knows

A circus act-

With a morbid end.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2014 ⏰

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