Chapter 2: The Charmings' Crime.

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"Th-This is impossible." Snow said in disbelief as she stared at the woman in black before them wearing her daughters face. This was like some sort of bad dream.

Emma sneered at her parents. "What's wrong Mommy?" she asked in a mockingly sweet tone of voice. "Are you and Daddy not happy with how your little girl has turned out?" she waved her hand to indicate her outfit. Said outfit would not have looked out place in the Evil Queen's wardrobe.

She was wearing a black tunic like shirt that was open a bit at the top to show off a bit of cleavage, a pair of tight black leather pants with black boots that went to just below the knee. And on top of the shirt was a black coat that seemed to be almost like reptile skin and went to her hips but with a knee length tail at the back. (Think of what Jaime Murray wore as Nyssa al Ghul at the end of Gotham season 5. It's basically the same thing.) On the clothing (specifically on the arms, legs and on the tunic) was a faintly glowing golden pattern of symbols. And on her head was the infamous horns that belonged to only one being.

"Emma?!" Snow was in shock. This couldn't be her daughter. "How could you be Maleficent, a villain?!" she said the word villain in disgust as if it was something foul.

"That, Mother, is quite frankly none of your business." Emma told her mother, anger clear on her face as her hand tightened on her sceptre. "Not after what you two did to me." she nodded at her and Charming in disgust.

David was in shock. His daughter was the worst villain of them all. How could this happen? "W-We were trying to save you!" he tried to explain, fearful of what the woman who wore his little girl's face would do to them.

The others all winced as they knew that Charming had just said the wrong thing. And if they didn't already know, then the look on Emma's face said it all. "Save me?" she whispered harshly before yelling so loud that her voice off of the cavern walls "SAVE ME!? In what language does 'SAVE ME' translate to kidnapping my unborn daughter?!" she rhetorically asked in equal parts rage and heartbreak. Her glare turned colder as she continued "Or does it translate to STABBING me in the stomach with a sword enchanted with FAIRY MAGIC when I was trying to protect my child!" Charming flinched at the memory of how he stabbed Maleficent while she'd begged them not to take her baby. The Prince had simply called her a disgusting villainous freak before leaving with his wife and the egg.

As her words echo through the cavern, everyone was silent until that silence was broken by a shocked Henry. "W-What do you mean, Ma? I have a sister, somewhere?" he asked in shock, while staring at his terrified grandparents in disbelief and disgust, which was shared by everyone.

Emma's face softened as she looked at her son for the first time in centuries. "Yes, Henry, you and Bae have a sister." she revealed to him before glaring at her parents again. "Or at least you would have had these two not stolen her egg from me before it could hatch."

Henry glared at his grandparents in disgust for a moment before exactly what his birth mother said clicked in his head. "Hang on. 'Her egg'? 'Hatch'?" he asked in confusion.

His mother smiled at him, now ignoring the gaping Charmings. "That's right, Kid. As you saw I can shift into a Dragon. As a result, in the event that I become pregnant - as I did just before your father was sent to that cell in the dungeon - then the child is born in an egg after Eight months, which then hatches during the ninth month." she told him, smirking at her sons gross face. Her smirk faded as she next spoke. "Unfortunately after laying the egg, I'm left too weak to defend myself or my child. And so these two," here she growled at her parents, sounding every bit the angry mother dragon she was, "they snuck into the cave I was resting in, disabled my protections - namely Cruella and Ursula, as well as the protection spells put up by Regina - ripped my daughter out of my arms and told me that a monster like me didn't deserve to be a mother - even to a monstrous child like mine!" Emma finished with a hate filled glare at Snow and Charming, who flinched away from her glowing gold eyes.

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