Black Greed

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The two kings were absolutely blown away by this modernised version of a stage play called a concert. They were in 'disguises' as they sat at the front VIP seats, watching the 5 on stage perform a whole array of music. Minhyun had no clue Baekho's voice could reach such decibels and neither did Baekho expect Minhyun to pull off high notes so easily. After all, they were both not much of a singer back in their world. Sure, they could sing but it was mostly in the bathroom and definitely songs that sound totally different. They weren't expecting Aron, Minki and even JR to be so skillful too. With the whole dancing and rapping. The stage, the building they were in, the cheers, everything was different. And honestly a complete mind blowing experience. So this was how an advanced universe was like. Minhyun wondered how long it would take them to actually reach this kind of advancement. It was no wonder his father had banned dimension travelling too.

After the concert ended, they were escorted back to the fitting room where the 5 superstars were getting out from their sweat stained outfits while chatting away happily about how the concert went. There was still the send off event but other than that, they were already done for the day. Baekho couldn't stop bouncing as he started praising all 5 of them. He was just so excited and so happy that he got to watch the performance that idol Minhyun had mentioned to him before this. Minhyun just watched Baekho laugh along with the others until idol Minhyun approached him.


"Hey," He responded with a thin smile.

"How did you find the show?"

"It was wonderful. All of you sound amazing and it's really hard to believe that you're in this... Kpop group with Aron, Minki and JR too."

Idol Minhyun chuckled and nodded. "Thank you. Yeah, well. It's hard to believe I could be a king in some other universe too. Will you come back to visit again?"

"Depends. We do have a country to run," Minhyun replied.

"Ah... Hard to run away from that, I guess. How is... Marriage like?"

"Hmmm? You get to spend the rest of your days with the one you love, I suppose. Waking up to the one who puts a smile on your face and knowing that you'll end the day with them too," Minhyun said softly and idol him smiled sheepishly.

"That sounds wonderful. I'm jealous that you can be with Baekho so... Openly."

"Can't you?"

"I'm pretty sure our universes are different in that matter. Not everyone is that accepting of two males together here and not to mention, we are idols too. Gotta keep that image up."

"Then why don't you quit?"

Idol Minhyun turned to Minhyun with bewildered eyes. "Well, cause its my dream to stand on stage and sing."

"So you'll sacrifice a future with Baekho for your dream?" Minhyun questioned with a tilt in the head. He was just really curious and idol Minhyun let out a nervous chuckle.

"No. I'm greedy that way. I want both. My dream and a future with him."

Minhyun chuckled and nodded, totally understanding what the other meant. "That's true."

Baekho noticed them and bounced over, wrapping his arms tightly around Minhyun. "What are you two talking about?" Minhyun kissed his head and shrugged.

"Nothing much. We better get going now. Thank you for letting us stay."

"No problem. Always feel free to visit but remember to wear disguises next time," Idol Minhyun reminded them and shook hands with Minhyun. He would give Baekho a hug but they were pretty much clinging onto one another and he didn't want to get on Minhyun's bad side so he just gave Baekho a quick pat on the head.

"You guys leaving already?" idol Baekho asked and they nodded. "Aww man. I thought we could go out and have dinner together."

"Maybe next time. You've been very welcoming of us and I thank you for that," Minhyun said and smiled. Idol Baekho turned a little red and coughed.

"No problem. See you guys around."

"Bye!" Baekho squeaked and waved after he had turned the dials.

"Bye. Take care."

They spent the next couple of hours with Baekho who was stuck in that one place with the Minhyun in lab coat. Then it was the school version of them and the following. They just kept going until it was late again and it was time to find for another place to stay. Baekho avoided going to the dream place and also the weird neon lights one since he didn't feel very comfortable in those universes.

"We should find for a place to stay the night and then we can prepare to go home," Minhyun had said and Baekho nodded.

"Why don't you give it a spin this time?" Baekho asked Minhyun and proceeded to tell him how to use the dials. Minhyun stared at it for a moment before he started turning the little knobs without much direction. Once he was done, Baekho followed it and they clicked the bracelet. Minhyun was just one click slower but he felt a hand on his shoulder and he stopped. He turned around, eyes widening in confusion when he saw himself or more accurately, the him he saw after he had just managed to escape from the spaceship and also after that.

"I came to warn you. Where's Baekho?"

Minhyun raised his brows as he turned around. Right. Baekho already zipped away. "He left for the next world. I was just about to teleport too. Warn me about what?"

"We should find him first. Let me see the adjustments." Minhyun wasn't sure what the other said but his wrist was gripped with a firm hold and he realised what the other meant. Then he proceeded to change his own bracelet's dials. "How's Dongho?"

(I'm just going to refer to space Minhyun as W1 Minhyun from now on xD since it's easier that way)

W1 Minhyun glanced up at Minhyun and frowned. "None of your business." Minhyun pursed his lips and nodded. "All set. Let's go."

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