chapter 17- the reason why

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Jungkooks pov

Taehyung brought me back to where we were the day before

"Why are we back here? " I asked

"Because I think I'm ready to tell you my full story" He said

He was clearly tense but I knew in his mind he needed to tell me and I was more then ready to listen

He sat down and I sat beside him

"When I was born.. My parents weren't poor but they also weren't rich they both became singers my mom a pop star and my dad joined a rock group they had a lot of money by the time I was 5 yet I never saw any of it by the time I was 7 it's like we had it but we didn't turns out my parents had some bad friends who got them into drugs.. My mom had frequent nosebleeds and I never knew why until I realised it was cocaine.. I was also a smart kid even if I didn't fully know what has happening I knew it was bad.. Eventually the drugs became more important to them then me and when they lost their careers they lost the drugs.. They went crazy the withdraws making them angry and distant.. When I was 10 my mom and dad forgot to pick me up from school.. I had to walk home and when I got there the house had blown up with me barely 15 feet away.. Glass busted and cut up my arms my face however was luckly undamaged but my arms and legs needed stitches in a lot of places hence the messier scars on my arms.. When I was 15 ish I had a cutting problem which I quite a while ago but it's still hard I guess and that's about it.. But it's the reason I don't like new people or famous people or music.. When I saw what money and fame could do to some people I learned to hate it" He said avoiding all eye contact with me

(Sorry that's a lot to read😅)

"The honestly explains a lot.. I'm sorry that happened especially when you were so young" I said

I didn't know what to say

I wasn't good at making people feel okay

"I don't need you to be sorry I just needed you to know.. You know so you could leave me instead of being friends with someone so broken" He said

I hugged him and to my surprise he hugged back

"I'm not gonna not be you're Friend simply because you had a traumatic past and maybe you are broken but I havea lot of things that are broken that I still enjoy having around" I said

"Thanks" He mumbled

"So when do you think daddyjoon and mammajinnie are gonna a get married" I asked

He looked at me then laughed

I blushed

His fucking smile is beautiful

How can one person have such an amazing smile?

"You're blushing" He mumbled

"Am not" I said looking away

"Yes you are" He giggled

His giggles are angelic

U fucking wU

He continued to smile as we talked about random stuff and despite only knowing him for a while I felt myself falling fast for this boy with the boxy smile


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