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Hi everyone! If you are one of the followers who have read my other books, I realize this is completely different than all the rest. This is just a collection of short poems that I have written over the years. Some of them are horrible, and some of them I love. 

In most of these, I was either going through a break up or a very rough time, making most of these sad love poems. I am the type of person who wears their emotions on their sleeve, and like many others, I have been through some rough break ups or almost-relationships in the past couple of years. 

I just wanted to share these for anyone who can relate to them, or if it helps anyone to know that we all go through it sometimes, and there is nothing wrong with feeling all of your feelings, and trying to build yourself back up from them. Some of these will convey anger, bitterness, and general resentment, but some also inspire hope and self-confidence. 

I hope you all get something from these, whatever it may be. All I know is getting them out and down on pen and paper helped me a lot. 

That being said some of these are from months/years ago that I have had saved on my computer, so do not worry, I am always growing into a stronger and better version of myself, like I know all of you are😃

Enjoy! and as always, vote & comment what you think!<3

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