Lost and found

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Gerald couldn't believe his ears.

Sharon was alive.

She was here. Keira's theory was right.

Gerald was relieved beyond imagination. He wanted to hug Keira. He looked at Keira to find a storm of emotion going on her face. He was a bit confused but he heard the voice on the radio continue. They were coming back. It would take less time to come back. They would be there in no more than 20 minutes. 

And Sharon may need medical help.

That grabbed his attention. He asked in the radio, "What kind of attention?"

They said she was fine. Just weak and very malnourished. Peter was in only slight better condition than her. Judith got out of car to be there to welcome them. Gerald followed her. But Keira stayed seated. 

20 minutes later.

Some rumbling sounds started to emanate from the distance. Gerald almost rushed inside but Judith stopped him. As the voices got nearer, Gerald's anxiety level raised with it. And in few seconds people became visible too. Many officers in blue uniforms were on front. This time nobody was there to stop him. Because Judith had already lurched forward. He followed her when he heard a door closing behind him. Keira must've gotten off, he thought. And he paused. But when he turned around to look at her, he found her standing still. 

There they were again. Those weird expressions. They kinda included relief, joy but also pain, and sorrow. Keira nodded at him with watery brims to go forward. He hesitated but Judith called for him. With last glance at  her, he went at the officers flocking around the ambulance. He got slightly worried. When they recognized him as one of the lost party's brother they let him go forward. Some older faces were nonchalant. It was just a part of duty for them. But some faces were sympathetic for him. They obviously still cared. 

Inside of the ambulance were two stretchers on which Sharon and Peter were kept. and there was a space for medical instruments and for sitting. He looked at Sharon.

She was looking ridiculous. Like she had survived some kind of apocalypse. The clothes were tattered and smudgy. She had definitely shed off pounds. Scratches were visible on exposed parts. Her skeletal figure was hard to see. But he was glad that at least she was alive.

He didn't know what to do. She was unconscious. What was to be done when she wakes up? Should he hug her or rather even touch her in her fragile and unhealthy condition? Should he be crying?

Helplessly he looked at Judith. She obviously wasn't having hard time choosing her reaction. She was sitting on the bench near Peter's head, who was really only slightly better than Sharon and she was silently shedding tears. 

It was too much to cry for a found and alive person, he thought. Surprisingly, the emotions in his mind, who usually butted in and give him advice, weren't talking at all. He then just went near Sharon and pressed her hand gently; showing the immense relief he was feeling. Despite of all his known emotionless-ness, he was extremely glad to find her. 

He turned around to find a police officer who looked like one in charge standing near the door of ambulance. He thanked him for all the efforts taken. 

The officer slightly bowed his head and informed, "The doctors say that they need to be put under observation for at least four hours. They'll be taken to a hospital in city now. You can fill out the formalities mean while. Then we just need to take their statements once they are awake. If everything's fine, you can go home. "

Gerald nodded and thanked him once more. 

"You can stay in the ambulance if you want, on the way back. Mrs. Walker says she is." He gestured towards Judith. 

Gerald shook his head, "I have my um... friend back in the cruiser."

"Is that the same one who helped us with the riddle?"

"Yes. We'll follow you. You head out. We'll like to go home as quickly as possible. By the way, how did you find them?"

The officer considered his words before saying them, "After your friend warned us about the hole, there weren't many more puzzles. The cottage was in our sight. But there were a few booby traps. Let me tell you, the owner must be a ex- CIA level freak. We climbed up-"

"Up?" Gerald amusingly asked.

The officer made face, "Yep, that guy built the whole cottage on a damn tree! We climbed up and we found them both inside, in each other's arms, if that detail is important," he raised his eyebrows, expecting a reaction. But Gerald wasn't giving any. He continued, "They were already knocked out; probably from food deprivation. But don't worry. They'll  be alright."

Gerald knew that. But still he nodded. The police, not knowing what to say further muttered something to himself and almost scurried away. Gerald watched him amusingly and he slowly walked back to the cruiser. Keira was still standing near the cruiser's door. 

"How's she?" she asked in uncertain voice.

Gerald informed his assessment, "Weak, malnourished, few scratches here and there. And dirty-" Gerald suddenly paused. Judging by the look on her face, he said something wrong. Her eyes were wide and mouth agape. 

"She's probably fine," Gerald tried to mend. But she wasn't convinced. And he didn't know to convince her. So he just got into the car, hoping that she would just forget it. 

But of course she didn't.

She remarked while getting into car, "Your lack of emotions has ceased to amaze me... Vulcan." The police officer driving their cruiser snickered a bit, making them aware of his presence. They both looked at him; one in amusement and other in annoyance. Feeling their stares, the poor officer started the car without a word.

"But your stupid, over-emotion-ness hasn't," he fired back. "Speaking of that, why didn't you come to see Sharon? I thought you'd be the first one, tearing through the woods."

Her teasing face became serious. She looked out of the window, "I was just overwhelmed.'

That was total crap and he knew it. Any other time and other person, he would've let it go. But he couldn't now.  He just couldn't disregard her feelings as silly over-emotion-ness as he just called it. She was unhappy for some reason and that bothered him.

"Tell me the truth, Keira. Ever since we've heard about Sharon and Peter being found, your mood has soured somehow."

"Hey, I'm absolutely happy that they are found," Keira said with conviction.

"Then there's something else that's bothering you," Gerald pried.

"No, there isn't." Now it wasn't so convincing as before.

Gerald snapped, "Don't bullshit on me Keira." Gerald rarely cussed, and Keira has gotten to know that. She looked at him in surprise, but still didn't give away anything.

"What did they say?" She changed subject. 

Gerald wanted to not to tell her. He wanted to be obstinate. But he sighed, not wanting to start a silent treatment. He told her everything.

"So we'll be here for a quite few hours," she said to herself after listening.

What do you think it is with Keira? Sorry it's kinda short. But only 2 or 3 more chapters to go including/excluding an epilogue!!!!

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