R.I.P Author~Chan ;-;

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Sorry for Lack oF posts just a lot going on also I lost my pics of Kody and Lumine 🥺 aNywAy let's begin :> hehe

Author~Chan: sKsKsK iM a vScO gIrl nOw sKsKsK

.*+Lumine hits Author~Chan with a pan.*+

Kody: SHuT uP bEfoRe I sKsKsK that hydroflask up ur sksksksk-

Lumine: >:c kOdY! 4th wall

Kody: FInE aNywAy Author~Chan what's the dare today =~=

Author~Chan: x-x

LuminexKody: 0-0 uh oh cUt tHe cAmErAs

~ technical difficulties ~

Author~Chan: why did you hit me with a pan ;c

Lumine: I nu like vScO gIrLs

Author~Chan: aNd I oOp-


Author~Chan: 0-0 Lord Jesus AREA 51 TAKE ME BACK 0-0 anyway today's Are is- Kody you and Lumine have to kiss .,.

KodyxLumine: really that's all? Okay .,.

.*+Kody and Lumine KISS.*+

Author~Chan: Next will be children

Kody: .

.*+Kody Slaps Author~Chan with a pan.*+

Author~Chan: x-x

Kody: c:

Lumine: O-O dafq

Ask Kody and Lumine a truth or dareOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara