I call truth

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Once upon a time there was a young girl at the age of 16 lets call her Carrie She fell in love with this guy when they first met his name was Victor he broke up with her in a week into a relationship because lol he wanted to have sex but Carrie said no so next day boom dumped sure she cried but not because of a guy but because of how cruel and sick a guy could be just because she didnt give him what he wanted it hurt to trust someone and move on to a girl her name was natalie, they were together for a few months and Carrie knew the reason why they lasted yes it was because Natalie gave him what he wanted. Carrie was so upset that she forgot that she had best friends.
So she got home and cried so much that it hurt so much she lost appetite of her food.  A month passed by and Carrie decided that she should change and hang with her best friend. Carrie went to the mall and decided a new hair style and clothes she told the hair stylist that she wanted scene hair and showed a picture from google so she cut Carrie's hair and then she decided she wanted a hair color a dark blue that when the sun rays hit her hair it looks blue. Next she went to a store called Spencers she bought a wallet with a chain and a studded belt. Right after that she went to Hot Topic everyone's favorite store when theyre in their "Emo phase" she went in and felt like an actual home she grabbed a beannie, torn black skinny jeans and regular black jeans and a half checkered pants and the other leg its completely white. And some band t shirts of Asking Alexandria, Sleeping with Sirens etc. Some earings and bracelets with band names and some with lyrics and some pins for her backpack. Next she went to Vans to buy 2 pairs of shoes and laces, and finally to zoomies to buy a pair of skate shoes and a skateboard with a cute wolf at the bottom.

Carrie ordered some Japanese ramen from a new restaurant they put up and grabbed a green tea she placed her shopping bags next to her at a booth where she felt comfortable than a regular table and chair.

30min later

She wated for her older sister to pick her up. So she scroll at her phone looking at Instagram and saw that her 2 best friends were having fun at a after school program called Film club so she asked if she could tag along the next time and they said that everyone is welcomed so yea the next day came and well Carrie did expected Victor to look at her with regret she walked passed his and natalies make out spot. Well Carrie wasnt wrong but she walked fast enough so that she cant deal with his disgusting face. Did i mentioned that Carrie is a cheerleader yup she was in the Varsity squad she wants a full scholarship to the University Of Texas San Antonio (UTSA) and Cheerleading was sure the best choice shes also in Art Club shes preparing for 2 up coming competitions one from art club and the other from cheerleading. When lunch time came all what Carrie saw was victor and natalie at the entrance and so she grabbed her 2 best friends Gaby and Iris from their arms like if they were super girly bffs and went to our seats placed our backpacks and grabbed lunch they ate and then chatted the whole lunch hour until their next class started so her bffs dropped Carrie off to their class first since they completely understand.
The school ended and so it was around 3:40pm that school ends and so Carrie and her friends walked together around at the bus area and watched the students leave and passed by victor and natalie he was always staring and Carrie but then Iris and Gaby wanted to go to the cafeteria to talk with Gaby's sister. We went and there was 1 girl who was Gaby's sister and 4 boys one of the guys she said hi im Karina and Carrie said wow I also have a sister named Karina then a guy kissed
Karina on her cheek and assumed he was her bf because they wer hugging. And was wearing the same sweater well the couple and another guy he was cute the third wheel guy lol so Carrie said I like your sweater and he said thanks (btw it was a sweater of a band called Black Veil Brides) then Iris said that it was time to head at film club.

1 hour passed by

Carrie wanted to leave because all she heard was love songs on spotify so she called her mom that she was already out of tutoring she left the class and went to see if the group of ppl that Gaby was with were still there and lucky her they were their Carrie said hi to Karina again and then she said im gonna hang with u guys for a bit my mom is on her way to pick me up and so she said okay cool then saw the 2 guys passing around playing with a drug called Marihuana and so the cute guy that Carrie mentioned was also playing but then spoke to him and said you know youre gonna get in trouble and he said oh and gave the 2 guys the drug back and it was cold outside so then Karina wanted to go outside and hang and so Carrie asked the cute guy if he wanted to go with Carrie to see if her mom was their and he said yes. Carrie felt like he already knows him for a long time even though it was only a few minutes.
Her mom was there and said well she is there and carrie hugged him and said thanks and bye and he replied back with a smile and a bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2019 ⏰

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