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Pretty clique lol but the new steven got me n u t t i n g- DoNt EvEn gEt mE StaRtEd ON The StEveN uNiveRsE FUtuRe DesiGn-

Also, I got a little off track while writing this and made something uwu She'd my child now and I love her aight thank you bye enjoy-

Word count: 


Helping Connie get the people off of Lion they thank me and hurry off to the group of other beach city residents, patting lion he rubs himself into my hand and licks my face making me smile, Lion always knows how to make me smile even in the worst of all situations like now. Stevens currently climbing a giant ass injector that a gem called 'Spinel' bought here to destroy Earth after Pink diamond left her and because Steven has her gem he has to deal with HER mistake, and I hate it, I hate her I don't care if she's Stevens mum she ruined everyone's lives and broke a LOT of gems.

"(Y/n), is everyone here?" Pearl asked rushing over to me, nodding I glance over at everyone in Beach city sitting together looking terrified. Sighing I look at Pearl with glossy eyes.

"I'm just so worried." Looking at Steven's small figure make its way up and stop for a brief second, Pearl puts an arm around me giving me a short side hug squeezing my shoulders.

"It's Steven, he'll be okay."  Biting my lip I hold onto Pearl's hand and keep watching Steven not taking my eyes off of his figure. Playing with the little pink band I have on my wrist, which I normally do when nervous, I almost lose my breath as Steven starts falling only to catch himself. Sighing I clutch the fabric near my heart as Pearls grip tightens on me making me look up at her as she's equally as worried as me. Some time had passed and Spinel was currently holding Steven over the edge of the giant heart crystal giving me a heart attack, thankfully he managed to get his gems memories back. They fight for a while and suddenly they're up in the clouds, freaking out I slip away from the group, lightly jogging over to the hill I watch Spinel punch him into the gem making the whole thing shatter, picking up my pace I start sprinting. Trying to keep my breath I keep running taking a glance ver at little homeworld watching as the gems call out my name telling me to come back, ignoring them I turn my head back around to watch the gem light up my eyes widen as I realize what's about to happen and start sprinting faster.

"Steven!" I scream out before being pushed back by the strong force of the explosion, prying my eyes open my ears ring ever so slightly I push myself back up waiting a few seconds for my vision to clear up before running again stumbling every now and again. Seeing the giant crater the explosion made, I smile still huffing and bend over to catch my breath. Having caught it I call out for Steven while approaching the edge and hear him yell my name back, feeling my eyes gloss over I make my way down and spot him with an exhausted-looking Spinel.

"Steven!" I shout running straight into his arms as they tightly wrap around me almost crushing me. "You're okay!" I whisper placing my forehead on his, he smirks looking down at me.

"Why? Was someone worried?" He teased kissing my temple, huffing I punch his shoulder crossing my arms.

"You were climbing up a giant injector and then survived an explosion because of your bubble! Of course, I'm going to be worried about you big dope." I sigh out hugging myself, she gives me a warm smile and I look behind him at Spinel and start to walk over to her as she starts panicking. Stopping in front of her she stands straight up and I smile her at softly before giving her a hug, feeling her tense up she slowly starts wrapping her arms around me in return as a wet substance starts to soak up into the back of my shirt.

"Thank you," she whispered hugging me tighter, letting go of each other and I wipe away any more of her tears. Maybe she's not all that bad, suddenly a beep is heard and all three of us turn to look at the sound, it was Greg, the gems, Connie and Lion.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2019 ⏰

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