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On exiting the lift, Patrick started heading away from the bullpen.

"Jane? Where are you going?" Lisbon questioned, looking puzzled.

"Little boys room, nosey!" he quipped.

She smiled, shaking her head and continued over to her desk.

"Hey Wiley, Cho, Vega" she nodded to each of them in turn "anyone know where Abbott is?"

"Said he had something important to deal with" Wiley piped up "but he asked if you could follow up on this while you're waiting?"

Lisbon took the file, grabbed her phone from the desk and began to dial the number. She flopped down onto Jane's couch as she waited. "Hello? I'm agent Lisbon from.... Huh? Oh, yeah sure, i'll hold..." She rolled her eyes at Wiley and Vega who looked amused.

Jane finally reappeared from the bathroom looking pale and sickly. Gingerly wrapping his arms across his tummy and wincing in discomfort he made his way towards the couch, not even taking in the fact that it was occupied and crawled his way to lying down. His head came to rest in Lisbon's lap, still not acknowledging her being there.

Lisbon of course didn't mind, but on the pretence of not letting on, she pretended to be annoyed and indicate so towards the rest of the team by whispering "Jane! What the hell?!". She looked down at Jane's face and could see that he really wasn't doing so good. She wished she could comfort him but didn't want to have to deal with the onslaught from that. Instead she snapped back to reality and shuffled uncomfortably beneath his head.

Finally she got through to someone and proceeded to talk, though she was mindful to be quiet given the current circumstances. She scribbled down all the information she needed and then was put on hold again so they could find something else out for her. 

Absent-mindedly she found herself running her fingers through Jane's hair, playing with it. The sensation seemed to be calming to him and she felt his body grow heavier and more limp as he once again gave in to sleep. She suddenly realised what she was doing and desperately hoped no one had seen as her face began to flush.

The others had glanced over on occasion, obviously concerned for their friend, but also suspicious of the two of them. Cho took an opportunity to wonder himself when he noticed Lisbon looking embarrassed that she might be caught out, and Jane beginning to shiver. Hmm, maybe Abbott was right. Spotting a cream blanket slung on top of the sofa, Cho wandered over and covered up his friend, resting his hand on his arm, while giving Lisbon a knowing look. "Thank you" she mouthed and smiled.

Cho turned to find Wylie and Vega staring in his direction, but on catching his eye they quickly broke contact and pretended to be working, not daring to look again. Cho chuckled to himself while walking back to his desk.

Finally getting the last bit of information, Lisbon took one last moment to admire Jane, all snuggled up in his blanket and calm. Honestly, he was like a big child sometimes, but she had to admit she found it endearing. She scooted out from underneath him and gently lowered his head onto a cushion in her place. He didn't even flinch. He was spent.


About 20 minutes passed when Abbott came striding into the bullpen.
He came to stop at Lisbon's desk and observed Jane lying motionless, but looking obviously sick. He felt bad for the guy sure, but he was NOT a fan of germs. Yeuch!

"Is he okay?" he raised his eyebrows and gestured towards Jane's passed out position.

Lisbon glanced over and a small smile found her lips. She couldn't help it but he made her feel warm and fuzzy inside. "Yeah he'll live, just a touch of Man flu" she smirked.

"Alright then..." Abbott sighed, burying his hands into his pockets "my office, 5 minutes?"

"Sure thing boss" Lisbon responded.

Crouching alongside his sofa she gently began to nudge him awake.

"Jane" She whispered "time to go to work..."

He groaned and rolled over to face her, coughing so much his whole body shook. He blinked and squinted, rubbing his eyes and tried to sit up. Lisbon handed him a cup of water which he gratefully took. His mouth still tasted funny from the sudden bout of sickness earlier. Finally rousing himself enough to take in his surroundings his eyes settled on hers. "5 minutes" she said, penetrating him with her look of concern.

"What is it with you and 5 minutes?!" he replied groggily, resting his head on his arms.

Lisbon laughed "and don't forget your blankie!".

"Hmph" he sniffed.

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