Chapter Nine

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In case you didn’t already guess, this chapter contains smut. And a little bit more smut.

“ That’s it. I’m going to fuck you senseless.” Tang Yi announced and slammed his chopsticks
uncharacteristically inelegantly to the table. Shao Fei’s bright laughter was swallowed by Tang Yi’s hungry kiss and he was dragged unceremoniously to their bedroom and thrown to the bed.

“ You drive my insane, baby boy. You’re so guileless, so stupidly brave and silly. You’re so graceless and yet so impossibly sensual and tempting.” Tang Yi kept muttering while he kissed and revealed every inch of Shao Fei’s body.

“ Are you praising or criticising me?” Shao Fei gasped, when Tang Yi’s lips travelled up his exposed thigh.

“ I’m worshiping you, my love.” Tang Yi planted a kiss on Sheo Fei’s hip and lifted his eyes to Shao Fei’s. His gaze was full of love and lust. A heady feeling rushed through Shao Fei’s
shivering body.

“ Make love to me, Tang Yi. Take me. Own me.” He whispered in a low voice. The fire in Tang
Yi’s eyes shone bright as he gripped tightly Shao Fei’s waist and lunged forward to kiss Shao Fei’s

He prepared Shao Fei a little hasty, but the urge to possess his lover’s body had shattered all his self-control.

Shao Fei’s face was a perfect picture of pleasure and pain blending to sexual ecstasy.

“ You’re so beautiful, so beautiful, Shao Fei.” Tang Yi panted and Shao Fei tried to gasp for air between his lover’s forceful thrusts. A string of ‘I love you’s escaped his lips, everytime he could form words. Tang Yi pushed inside him with so much momentum that Shao Fei’s head fell over
the side of the bed. He was just limply hanging there, partly off the bed, while Tang Yi did not slow down his movements even for a second. Shao Fei’s orgasm swept over him, but Tang Yi was still chasing his peak. Shao Fei felt almost like floating outside his body and he loved the
feeling. He was content and sedated, just pliantly enjoying the way Tang Yi took his pleasure from Shao Fei’s body.

“ You are mine.” Tang Yi whispered into his lover’s ear, when he thrusted inside him for the final time, before coating Shao Fei’s insides with his come.

Gently Tang Yi covered Shao Fei’s exhausted body with a blanket and raked his fingers through
Shao Fei’s messy hair.

“ Was I too rough?” He asked, voice laced with worry. This happened quite often. He would fuck
his lover like a mad man and only afterwards realise that Shao Fei had almost passed out.

Sometimes he couldn’t help but wonder, if Shao Fei just took it, even though he didn’t want it. It
was a horrible thought that would have never even crossed his mind, if he had not seen the way
Shao Fei had ignored the fake pictures of Tang Yi cheating. He had just accepted the possibility
without a thought of his own self worth, just to keep Tang Yi as his boyfriend.

Shao Fei had a faint smile on his face, when he tiredly shook his head.

“ You were perfect, like always. So utterly perfect.” He sighed, with his eyes closed. Tang Yi traced lovingly his fiancés features and just let himself feel the happiness of having Shao Fei in his life.

“ I’m eternally grateful for the fact that you really waited for me. I would’ve understood if you
hadn’t, Shao Fei, I really would have.” Tang Yi slowly said. Shao Fei opened his eyes and looked searchingly at Tang Yi’s face.

“ Where is this coming from? Of course I waited. You are it for me, Tang Yi. You, no one else.”
The look on Shao Fei’s face was a mixture of honesty, love, longing and sadness. Tang Yi wrapped Shao Fei in his arms and pressed his face against Shao Fei’s neck. He inhaled the
sweet unique scent that was solely Shao Fei.

“ I love you.” He simply whispered. In a comfortable silence they drifted to sleep.

It was still dark, when Tang Yi woke up. Shao Fei was peacefully sleeping beside him. Tang Yi sifted around and tried to chase his sleep, but he was feeling insecure and horny. A weird
combination that sometimes followed rough love making with Shao Fei. He nudged gently Shao Fei’s side.

“ Shao Fei, I want you to make love to me.” He whispered to his sleeping fiancé’s ear. Shao Fei
groaned a bit and cracked one of his eyes open.

“ Wha was tha?” He mumbled.

“ I said, I want you to make love to me.” A sleepy smile spread across Shao Fei’s face and he
turned towards Tang Yi. The low, yellow light seeped through the thin curtains and made Shao
Fei’s eyes glimmer. He was the most beautiful thing Tang Yi had ever seen.

Shao Fei kissed his fiancé passionately, taking his time before preparing Tang Yi. His movements were slow and gentle. He savored every moan and gasp he could pull out from his calm and collected lover.

Shao Fei loved the way Tang Yi came apart under his ministrations. He could see that Tang Yi
was getting impatient, but refrained from rushing Shao Fei.

They rarely switched positions in the bedroom, since they enjoyed the way things were. Tang Yi loved the control and Shao Fei loved the way he could just let go and let Tang Yi take care of
everything. First it had been more Tang Yi leading and guiding Shao Fei, since he had more
experience, but Shao Fei liked it that way. He secretly loved the way he could provide Tang Yi with pleasure, how he could just give his body and let Tang Yi use it. Those thoughts were in danger of getting tainted, since the hateful tongues calling him a whore. He sometimes wondered if those women were right. Was he only giving his body away, hooking, addicting Tang Yi to sex he was providing. Was he just whoring himself?

The way Tang Yi asked Shao
Fei to make love to him felt good. It reminded him of the fact that they were equal, they were lovers.

When Shao Fei finally pushed inside Tang Yi’s tight heat, he was awarded with long, desperate
moan, which encouraged him to move. Shao Fei made love to Tang Yi, slowly and lovingly. He put all his love and passion into each prolonged thrust. Tang Yi slipped his hand between them
and grabbed his own shaft, pumping it. Shao Fei sped up his thrusts, but still kept them careful
and gentle. He made his best to make sure that they both reached their peak close to each other and gently cleaned them both afterwards.

“ You are such a perfect lover, Shao Fei. So gentle, so soft and tender.” Tang Yi murmured and
pressed against Shao Fei.

“ We still have time to get some sleep.” Shao Fei chuckled sleepily and kissed the side of Tang
Yi’s face. Shao Fei had almost fallen back to sleep when he heard Tang Yi whispering into the dark room:

“ Perfect.”

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