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In eight grade, after getting into some troublesome online relations and of course breaking up knowing the trick, I felt like I had become really mature. After all I got into an online relation with a guy with the profile picture of Manuel Rios Fernandez thinking it was him. *stop judging i was in my pre-teen*

But then my maturity came to test and looking at it now after I now know that I'm mature , I guess it was mature of me to do so and here's where my Deja Vu moment began.

Ok too mamy 'maturity' here...

In Bengali Culture, we celebrate Durga Puja aka worshipping the deity of Goddess Durga in tge month of October and its a national holiday for about 2-3 weeks. My second rocket landed then.

Unlike my first crush I had never met him and we met online on Facebook. Duh. He knew alot of people or seniors from my school because his cousins were my seniors. It was quite amusing for having connections with someone outside school whose connected to the school and lemme tell yiu this, I never talked with his cousins that is my seniors, but I talked with him....

Anyways, moving on.

After talking for a while and exchanging numbers, one fine day he asked me to be his girlfriend. I saw it coming though. At first I didn't agree. I told him no directly. Though he asked me to think about it, I told him no.

But then after a week of me declining him, I told him yes and our relationship began. Things were the same amd as I had feared things didn't go all awkward. I felt comfortable. I thought it'd sail a long way but I brought it upon myself.

I created a group of me, my two then bffs and him. Too eager to flaunt my boyfriend I guess. It was also me who told them not to feel shy around each other and even told him in private chat that need not feel shy with my friends as they were nice.

After some days, I got to know from one of my buds in the group that they had also started talking on dms. Well i wasnt worried because he himself told me about it before them. He used to send me all the screenshots with my friends.

Then where did the ride start?

I guess I just had too much faith or it was just me bringing this upon myself. I asked him to not send the screenshots anymore. Well one of my friend's had stopped talking with him except hi-hello-bye-bye chats, while the other one, well things started taking a new turn.

He still used to send me the screenshots and slowly I saw where the thing was going. At first I thought I was just wrong because this guy was loyal, but then I saw the mutual connection they had. Even though both of them kept me informed about their chats.

So I did something.

I asked him to well, break up with me.
He of course got really shocked, saying where did he go wrong or was it that because he was talking to my friend as it had only been a month or two since we had started dating.

I tried convincing both of them, like see the bond, connect the dots, yiuntwo hace a spark and me just staying between it will make me a bone of contention.

So I let him go.

My friend and him,both hesitated at 1st. It being awkward and all... Like honestly it would be, imagine dating ur best friend' bf whom you met through her. Well he just wasn't the one for me.

These two really hit the road and my friend kept me updated even though I actually did look forward to it so keenly, I mean know about my exex and your relationship with him? Not the best topic.

But nevertheless I was happy for them. But the only place I was sad because in life I ever had these two male contacts in a relationship-thingy way if you call the 1st one that even, and both I had to let go.

My this friend broke up with him after about 10 months or so because her parents literally caught her and she couldn't take the risk. Both of them were heartbroken because c'mon they had something.

But the worst part? After I played Cupid for her life's 1st relationship, after a year she backstabbed me with two other classmates Im not very fond of. She threw our 7 years friendship down the drain.

I forgive her though, because I love her. She was my 1st best friend who had been there for me from being toddlers to my pre-teen, so Im thankful to her.

She came back to me a year back, because those two girls were not the best company and she realized her mistake and even now she feels guilty, though I have forgiven her. I'll always have my arms open for her.

So just a little message here, dont forget the one's who can travel to the other side of the world for you.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2020 ⏰

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