A rock, a pickle, and a homeless man

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When I was a kid my grandfather, King Pax always told me about the river that divided our swamp asses from the land of light, he always said that there was something special about it, but me, I thought the only special thing about the Rectus Straight was that if you add an "E" it make an "Erectus Straight," grandpa didn't like that, obviously... When my dad took the throne things were good for the Wetlands, but when Tyaba became king in the other place, shit literally hit the fan.. the people revolted, it was great, it was like your mortal show series "World's Dumbest," it was great.

It was all fun and shit until he started marching his army towards our land, he thought that if he could take the Rectus Straight then he could gain the support of the people...Funny enough, he was right. He marched on us when I was 16, me and my sister Rose were just like any other royal kids, I was training to take the throne and she was training to beat my ass when the guards weren't looking (she still scares me.) Just before Tyaba's army marched on us my grandpa had come to my dad and he said he had some information, needless to say, he told the secret of the river. When the army had reached us my father had me and Rose escorted to the river and the guards gave us a stone, one in each hand. They gave us specific instructions, he said

"Throw this stone in the water, when the mist begins to spread, tell it you are descended from Capricorn, they should let you both through."

I just had to argue, " so we skip rocks, talk to clouds, and only have a small chance of being let through to another world through a river?", "got it."

The guard wasn't thrilled with my response but I thought it was kinda funny, can't win em' all I guess.

A few moment later a guard came with two young boys, I was confused, first of all the guard wasn't wearing a familiar uniform, and then the boys didn't have any features resembling our people.

Our guard asked "Who are you? What is your business here?"

I responded "Maybe they wanna skip stones too," Rose punched me on the arm.

The unfamiliar guard drew his sword and said "Let the Princes pass or it'll be your head that skips in the river."

Our guard looked at them questionably "Princes of what, and if you come any closer to these kids your grandkids will still be able to feel my sword in their gut."

I laughed a bit and the other boys were just staring at me, I looked at our guard "Why don't they just come talk to the almighty cloud with us?"

The unfamiliar guard said, "The boy makes sense, let the Princes pass and your lives will be spared."

The boys came up to us, the older one, he seemed around my age, I looked at him and he was wearing an amulet, I didn't get a good look so I glanced at Rose, then she mouthed to me..

"Its a sun..."

We looked at the boys and back at each other with that "oh shit, we're fucked," looks and handed them our other stones, we through them in, and grandpa Pax was right, the water seemed to fall still, and most began to rise from the surface,

I was next to Rose screaming "Holy shit we had a magic river this whole fucking time?!" She punched me again.

The boys stayed silent, and when the voice came through it asked

"Who are those who wish to cross between worlds?"

Rose spoke "I am Princess Rose of the Great Terra, this is my brother, Prince Judas, we are descendants of the mighty Capricorn himself, we seek passage to a new world for temporary security against the Land of Light."

The boys grew pale as the voice spoke again.

"And the other two?"

The older one spoke..

"Mighty Nebula, I am Prince Vir, and I am accompanied by my brother Prince Genus, we hail to you on behalf of the land of light for I am the heir to the throne of Solis."

I looked at this joker and I was trying so hard not to laugh with this dude talking like Shakespeare 'for he was the heir to the throne...' I mean, so was I but I didn't  talk like something straight out of King Arthur and the Holy Grail.

My sister however was way more concerned than I was, mainly because they were the Princes from our worst enemies, but no big.

I scoffed at them, I couldn't take anything seriously, and the Princes who talked like Shakespeare, seriously didn't help.
Things were all good until the fog started to move like a cyclone, then I about shirt myself, the fog said

"I shall take you to a land that  henceforth, guards the heirs to our world."

Shit literally hit the fan right then and there. Our guards were gone, everything was spinning, lights were flashing, it was a real party if you ask me.

When things finally started settling down, the nerd princes looked like they were about to keel over, I was just looking at Rose.

We both had the same idea, ditch these losers and run like hell, not like they'll be able to keep up anyways.

We became even more anxious to ditch em'  when one looked over,
"I believe that I feel the need to vomit"

I looked over at him, even puking he could be Shakespeare.

We stopped spinning completley, when the fog faded away, we saw a bright sky full of stars, a bridge, and we were standing on a rock that the 4 of us could barely stand on, and it was encased in a small stone pin like a child's play-pen, there was maybe 5in of water surrounding the rock, I jumped off and examined the small stone.

It read just one number, "1620," I looked at Rose, "What does this mean?" She looked at the stone just as confused as I was.

The lame princes looked around, the older one, Fur I think his name was, approached the stone wall, he looked back at me and Rose then back at the wall, then he did something that I still laugh my ass off at, he seemed.so determined, and so certain, that he could climb the wall to impress my sister...

He didn't make it very far, funny enough, he jumped at the wall and tried his hardest to grab on to the completely smooth stone, yet fell back into the water and landed flat on his ass.

Me and Rose were laughing historically and it made it better that the younger one began to yell,
"Mighty attempt brother, we shall make it out of this cell in no-time with your perseverance and wit."

I walked over to him and he just stared at me, I said to him,
"You wanna help your brother get over the wall?"

"Yes, very much,"

I took this as an opportunity, which some consider to be a bit sinister,

I said "ok, here, step into my hand and I'll toss you so you can pull him up."

He ran over to the wall and stepped into my hand, he was lighter than I thought, so when I said I would toss him became more like I'll gorilla toss you over the rail and slam you into the ground..

All you heard from up there was a small, girlish scream followed by,
"I'm alright," then silence...

The older brother glared at me, I looked at Rose who watched everything,
"Looks like we'll actually get something out of em'."

We made our way up and over the rail, but what we saw next, shocked us all...

When we got our footing on the new ground, we were met by a slender man wearing a weathered leather jacket, a striped scarf, and weird circular sunglasses missing a lens.
He looked at us and smiled a toothy grin, except he had almost no teeth to grin with..he put his hand in his pocket, me and Rose were looking at each other confused, we were taking our leave when he reached out his arm to block us, the other still in his pocket, without saying a word, he pulled out a green, sour smelling vegetable and pointed towards a sign.

The sign read..

  "                 PLYMOUTH ROCK
               LANDING PLACE OF THE


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2019 ⏰

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