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I woke up and instead of throwing up in the toilet, I felt really dizzy.. oh this baby is gonna be the death of me. I got up from bed and stood there for a second letting my world around me stop spinning. I walked to the door and opened in and saw two hybrids guarding the door.

"Klaus is downstairs waiting for you" one said. I grumbled as I walked downstairs. My mood changes every 5 seconds and now I'm grumpy. I walked into the kitchen and saw it was set up with breakfast.

"Come and eat dear" he said.

I plopped into my chair. Nik handed me a plate full of food and I started eating.

"You seem angry love" Nik said softly.

I sighed as tears stinged my eyes.

"I-I dont know why" I said as I tear left my cheek.

"Love are you ok?! Your crying" Nik said and came to my side. I wiped the tear and looked at him.

"It's these damn hormones.. there driving me crazy!" I yelled and took a bite out of my toast.

Nik laughed and sat back down.

"Why are you laughing" I asked him getting mad.

"Your cute when your mad" he said. I growled and put my hand up and attempted to use my magic on him but nothing happened.

"I think your magic isn't going to work when your pregnant love" Nik said.

I sighed and crossed my arms.

"Come on dear. Eat your food" Nik said. I glared at him as I picked up my fork and ate my food.


Once I was finished Nik grabbed my plate and put it away.

"Better go start getting ready for school" I said as I walked towards the stairs. Nik flashed over to me and held me by the waist.

"Oh no love.. your staying here.. with your hormones going crazy if you go to school you might kill someone" Nik pointed out.

"Good" I said and continued to walk to my room.

"Love your staying here!" Nik yelled at me at the bottom of the stairs.

"Yeah and what are you gonna do if I don't" I asked him


"I can't believe you locked me in my own god damn room" I said and pounded on the door.

My dick of a boyfriend locked me in my room and again two hybrids were guarding it.

"Sorry love, cant take any chances." Nik said through the door.

"Mm" I said and sat on my bed. I ended up drifting to sleep.


I woke up hearing screaming and things being thrown. My heartbeat started racing as it got quiet. I heard footsteps coming towards my room. I looked around for anyway possible to defend myself with and there was nothing!

I heard two neck snap and I knew those were the hybrids. The door handle jiggled. I ran into the bathroom and shut the door. I locked it and started looking through the drawers for anything. I finally found a pair of scissors. I grabbed them as I heard the door outside the bathroom being kicked down. I stood near the bathroom door as the intruder Also kicked down this door. I threw myself at him and stabbed him in the neck. He screamed in pain and I pushed him into the bathroom. I ran down the stairs and saw Nik staked. I pulled the stake out of his stomach. I shook him but he didn't move.

"Come on" I whispered and than slapped him. He still didn't move an inch. The intruder walked down the stairs and grabbed me.

I punched and kicked but got no avail. The intruder dragged me outside and threw me in a van. He took out some type of needle and injected me into it. The world felt blurry and I ended up passing out.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2019 ⏰

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