Cigarretes {By: BlackLynx17}

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  • Dedicated to BlackLynx17

"Do you have to do that while I'm here?"

Doranbolt took a long drag of from his cigarette before coughing and tossing it out of his window.

"Mest! At least put it out! What if it starts a fire in your front yard?!" Wendy screamed at him.

"It's my parents problem then, and don't call me that." Doranbolt coughed into his arm.

Wendy pouted and hopped on his bed, poking Doranbolt in the stomach.

"Why do you smoke Me-Doranbolt?"

Doranbolt blinked and stared at his ceiling. "Because I have nothing better to do."

"That's a horrible reason to smoke Mest! That's like me stealing or killing people because I'm bored!" Wendy screamed smacking his stomach.

Doranbolt curled up and groaned, "stop that hurts."

"You're killing yourself because you're BORED?! Why don't you call your girlfriend of yours then?! Make out with her, have sex! Whatever, let her be your pastime." Wendy lectured him.

"Seriously Wens, you're heavy handed and I don't want to hear those things coming from your mouth. You're in high school, you shouldn't speak of such things." Doranbolt shivered.

Wendy huffed, "I'm not a child Mest, I'm going to be a senior in the fall you know."

"Yeah, it's just your size that fools me." Doranbolt smirked ruffling up her hair, "And with the girlfriend business, though that sounds like a wonderful idea, I can't do it. I have her trained a very specific way right now, if I just go to her every time I want to smoke a cig which is a lot then she'll get all clingy and start wanting more out of me. Either that or think I'm using her, which both is bad."

"You're incredible Doranbolt." Wendy said shaking her head.

"Thanks Kid."

"I meant that as an insult."

"Thanks Kid."

Wendy glared at Doranbolt who just rolled around in his bed and reached out for the cigarette carton on his dresser. He reached down and pulled for a lighter in his pocket and that's when Wendy attacked, pouncing on top of him. Doranbolt held both his hands holding the cigarettes and lighter high above her reach as soon as he saw her leap.

"What the hell We-"

He was cut off when Wendy attached her lips to his, kissing him. Doranbolt was momentarily petrified and did nothing as his best friend kissed him sloppily. When she stopped and pulled away from him, sitting on his chest while he laid on the bed with his hands in the air like an idiot, she slowly reached for his hands and grabbed the cancer sticks and partner in crime fire starter.

"Do you still want to smoke?" Wendy asked lightly.

"Wens, what the hell was that?!" Doranbolt yelled, remembering himself.

"Do you still want to smoke?" Wendy repeated.

"No, I want to know what the hell that was! Why did you kiss me?!"

"Because I want you to stop smoking Doranbolt. If you won't use your girlfriend you can use me instead, I don't care. Your my best friend and I want us to grow old together, surrounded by our grandchildren who will be best friends too and their grandkids and so on. That won't happen though if you continue to smoke." Wendy said shoving the packet and lighter into her jacket pockets.

"Wendy, that's the most illogical reason I've ever heard." Doranbolt said.

"But it's working, isn't it? Do you want a cigarette? Mest?" Wendy asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2014 ⏰

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