Chapter 2

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Felix charged at the monster punching it straight in the stomach. It fell back spitting out purple blood. Then the monster took out his axe and tried to cut Felix with it. Felix dodged every attack and was starting to get annoyed.
Felix: Ughh I'm fucking tired! ITS TOO EARLY FOR THIS SHIT! Imma just finish you now, enough playing around.
He grabbed his wand and whispered something under his breath. Then a moment later his eyes glowed a bright purple and black and purple flames engulfed the monster and it disappeared into tiny ashes. He undid the force field around the boys and asked them if they were okay.
Felix: Are you guys okay?
Chan: yes we are fine but ARE YOU OKAY? YOUR BLEEDING!
There was a huge ass cut on his stomach and it was gushing out blood.
Felix: Yes I'm fine it doesn't hurt at all. I can just heal myself later.
Felix: Awww you're worried about me. You're so cute Jeongin! Okay I'll heal myself now. I took out my wand again and casted a healing spell. A green aura formed around me and all of my wounds disappeared.
Happy now innie?
Jeongin: Yes very.
Felix: You're the cutest human I've ever seen oh my god!
Felix ran up to Jeongin and attacked him with a hug. Jeongin was surprised but he hugged back immediately and melted into Felix's hug.
Jeongin slowly leaned onto Felix and his legs became weak.
Felix: Innie?
Jeongin: Hm?
Felix: Wanna see me cast some spells?
Jeongin: YES!
Felix: Wait. I need to fix this mess. Felix restores the dorm back to normal.
Jeongin was a little too excited about seeing Felix use his powers that he forgot his legs and fell.
Felix: innie what's wrong?
Jeongin: I just lost my strength while hugging you. I'm fine.
Jeongin blushed.
Felix: Awwww! You are the cutest! Come on!
Felix was about to drag Jeongin out of the dorm when Woojin stopped him.
Woojin: hold up! Come back by 9!
Jeongin: Okay mom!
Felix and Jeongin drove to a forest an hour away from the dorm. They walked into the woods and Felix took out his wand again and casted a spell that lit up the area around them.
Jeongin: Woahh. Its so beautiful hyung.
Felix: glad you like it.
They talked for a few hours and they gotten really close. Felix opened up to him about his past and told him some stories about him protecting people. Jeongin also opened up to his hyung and told him about all the things he's done to get to where he is now. Felix was low key falling for him but they just meet today and he was just a fan. But can you blame Felix. Jeongin has the purest smile, soft fluffy black hair, beautiful eyes that sparkle in the light, and pretty pink lips. Jeongin has always been his bias ever sense he found out about Stray Kids. He realized he was staring for way to long and quickly apologized to the cute boy.
Jeongin: it's fine hyung.
Felix: Okay I think we should head back now.
Felix stood up and held out his hand for Jeongin to take. Jeongin took his hand they walked hand in hand all the back to the dorm.
They both walked inside and greeted the other members.
Felix: well I should get going I'll be protecting you guys from a distance so I don't bother you guys.
Jeongin came running towards him and hugged Felix.
Jeongin: do you have to go! I'll miss you. I want you to stay.
Felix: baby... I don't think the other members want a stranger here and I don't know if their okay will me staying.
Jeongin blushed at the pet name.
Seungmin: same. You're going to be my new best friend bitch.
Hyunjin: same.
Jisung: my Seoulmate can't leave me!
Minho: I wanna dance together with you.
Changbin: I'm fine with it. You seem pretty chill. I like that.
Woojin: I need a chicken buddy.
Chan: Well if everyone is fine with it then I am too. Welcome mate you'll be staying with us for now on.
Felix was shook. He was staying with the people that made him happy. Sure he liked living by himself but with his parents living in another dimension it gets lonely. On a rare occasion he would cry for hours because he failed to make any friends on earth after living here for thousands of years. And now his new friends which just so happens to be his favorite kpop group is telling him that he could stay with them.
Felix won't be alone anymore.

"Thank you so much Stray Kids"

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