Chapter 1

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Isadora's POV

Golden rays beamed through our makeshift curtains at around 6 o clock this morning, indicating that it was time to wake up to get ready for another boring day at Prufrock Preparatory School. Duncan and I had been placed in this austere academy after we lost our parents, our brother, and our mansion in a terrible fire. The only things to survive the blaze were ourselves, an old spyglass and our notebooks. We each had a notebook given to us on our 13th birthday that we could fill with whatever we liked. My interest is writing couplets, which is a form of poetry composed by a mere two lines with a rhyme at the end of each line. Duncan likes breaking codes and Quigley seems to be very interested in Geography and maps, I think it is called Cartology. A sharp rapping sound on the "door" of the Orphans Shack told us that we should expect another of Carmelita Spats' "songs". She thinks that she is an amazing singer and tap dancer but she really isn't. I hope she breaks her ankles so that we don't have to hear that infernal tapping sound any longer. Our Vice Principal, Vice Principal Nero, just keeps encouraging her to carry on, he believes that she is spectacular, just like he believes that he can play violin, which he really can't. Duncan and I quickly changed into our dull uniforms and made sure that we looked presentable before opening the door to see Carmelita standing there with a huge grin on her face. "Hello Orphans!! How did you sleep in the shack?" Oh great, she was acting like she actually cared, this happens all the time. "Well don't worry if you slept badly because you are getting upgraded!" Duncan and I shared a confused glance at each other, I was about to ask what we were being upgraded to, but before I could answer, Carmelita screamed "You have to go to Vice Principal Nero's office Now!!! Come on before I get in trouble!"
We gratefully  packed up our few belongings and followed Carmelita to the Main Office. On our way there, we saw a crumpled up newspaper on the floor, "Duncan, do you see that newspaper on the floor?" I asked as I moved towards the corner of the room it was in, "Yes I do, pick it up so that we can see what is in it" Duncan replied. I did so. Walking over to him, I began to unfold the pages. On the front page was an article about another mansion in the city burning down. It belonged to the Baudelaire family. I'm sure that I have heard of the name before, maybe they were friends with Mum and Dad?. I read on. The article said that they had 3 children, Violet, Klaus and Sunny, who survived the fire and were now in the care of... Oh, they weren't in any form of care, I hope that they aren't sleeping on the streets! That would be horrible! I was going to keep reading after that but I was interrupted by the sound of the bell, which told us that school had started and we needed to pray that Nero wouldn't keep us too long or we would have to eat with our hands tied behind our backs like we had seen some people doing the day before. We practically ran to the benches outside the office and sat on one side of the wall dividing them.
About 5 minutes later we heard a few more people coming into the waiting room, we didn't see their faces but it sounded like 3 children sitting down on the bench on the other side of the wall. Maybe those children are the Baudelaire Children and we could finally make some friends here.

Word Count: 639 (not including this last part)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2019 ⏰

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