5: Libby La Vida Loca

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[NOTE: Just wanted to quickly reiterate that I'm so very, very sorry for the horrendous chapter titles. They're not going to get any better, either.]

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All those musings were probably really boring, huh? Sorry! Let's skip ahead...

Graduation was all pomp and ceremony; the orchestra was there again, and everybody was dressed up in these ugly robes; it was ghastly. Well... okay, at the same time it was kinda satisfying and emotional, but whatever. I was nervous as hell before I sang. Oh that's right, I almost forgot to mention that they wanted me to sing something for everybody! After a lot of arguing and screaming, we settled on a slightly altered rendition of Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here"; incidentally, learning it made me kinda start to like the band. Anyway, it was special, everybody clapped... weird. No, I'm used to being applauded, that much will never change, but this was... different. This time it was like I had truly earned it, not just stood up there and been congratulated on how pretty I am. It made me feel really good.

Based on reading the rest of my life story, I shouldn't need to tell you that Mother didn't show up. No, I was the only member of my family present, so I gave myself a big hug and told me this was the beginning of a whole new adventure, and that I'd always be there for me. I was so proud of me, too...

Adymm's parents were exactly as he described: rich, well-mannered, and pretentious. Luckily, his mother got the whole ceremony on tape, so at least somebody filled thatparental role for me. His little sister Ava was somebody I could have related to before Sabrina altered my personality on a molecular level - all lip gloss and pastels, almost as deep as a wading pool. Of course, I could still carry on a conversation with her, but a year in solitary had left me somewhat behind in the fashion arena.

I'll save your poor brain the guesswork; yes, I cried during The Walk. Duh!

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"Ahh... at long last, freedom!"

The morning after the ceremony was my final day waking up on that rigid mattress in Swords Private Academy (thank God). My bags were packed, my cab fare and storage key were in my purse, I was dressed in more appropriate civilian gear, and all my ducks were in a row. Only one thing left to do...

Adymm was waiting for me in the foyeur, hands in his pockets; I could see the administration throwing him furtive looks due to his attire. Personally... yeah, I had to gasp myself.

"What the hell are you wearing?!" I hissed.

He grinned through his black lipstick. "Doesn't this rock? In fact, I'm gonna steal Dad's little disposable camera he brought to get a picture of me looking like this in front of the building, just to show that on one single day, I got to look like myself in this school."

I had to shake my head and laugh, because he looked amazingly ridiculous. Baggy black jeans, fishnet sleeves, a blood red vest (a vest?!) over one of those whoever-band tees, heavy black boots, and all sorts of spikes and chains protruding from everywhere. It was like Edward Scissorhands cranked up to ten. "I cannot be seen with you looking like that."

That bitter laugh. "Yeah, it doesn't feel quite the same as it did before... I think I'll try blending this with a more toned-down look, condense it down into my 'new style'. It really is hideous, isn't it?"

On second glance? "Well, maybe not 'hideous'... but I am getting this 'trying too hard' vibe."

"Thought so. Ah well, I can be the old me for a day." He looked me up and down. "But what are you wearing?"

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