KKBrotato "Stand"

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This goes to the song "Stand" by Rascal Flatts. I just love this song and I see Tyler playing this in a park or something. Onto the story.

Tyler's POV

As I walked to my regular spot in the park, I saw people already waiting for me. I play at this park a lot for extra money to give to my family. I sat down on the fountain side and began to start playing.

"You feel like candle in a hurricane.
Just like a picture, with a broken frame.
Alone and helpless, like you've lost your fight.
But you'll be alright. You'll be alright."
I see a small crowd gather around me, parents and children coming from the areas near.
"Cause when push comes to shove, you taste what your made of.
You might bend till you break, cause it's all you can take.
On your knees you look up, decide you've had enough.
You get mad, you get strong, wipe your hands, shake it off.
Then you Stand. Then you Stand."
More people crowd, this is more then other days. Wow. I thought that I wouldn't get this much. Still strumming, I look at the crowd, smiles and/or crying about my lyrics. Okay then?
"Life's like a novel, with the end ripped out.
Yeah. Jagged canyons, with only one way down.
Take what your given, before it's gone.
Start holding on, keep holding on."
The people start putting money in my guitar case, filling a bit of the hole in my heart. If only they knew how much this means.
"Cause when push comes to shove, you taste what your made of.
You might bend till you break, cause it's all you can take.
On your knees you look up, decide you've had enough.
You get mad, you get strong, wipe your hands, shake it off.
Then you Stand. Yeah. Then you Stand."

"Every time you get up, and get back in the race.
One more small piece of you starts to fall into place."


"Cause when push comes to shove, you taste what your made of.
You might bend till you break, cause it's all you can take.
On your knees you look up, decide you've had enough.
You get mad, you get strong, wipe your hands, shake it off.
Then you Stand. Then you Stand."

"Yeah then you Stand.
Then you Stand, yeah."

The crowd claps and cheers, making me blush. When the crowd clears I start packing up, until a shadow covers my view. I look up to see a man my age looking down at me smiling.
"You sing amazingly. I wanted to see if I knew you, but apparently not." The mystery man says, still smiling.
"Hi there as well! Well, my name is Tyler and I come here almost everyday," I stick out my hand, as he shakes it.
"My name is Kyle, want to get something to eat?" Taking his offer, we walked over to a Chick-fil-a.
At the ending of the day, I learned much about Kyle. He plays minecraft as well as I , his dad is rich, he's bisexual, and has about 170 thousand subscribers on YouTube (I had to check.) I've told him about my life, how I live with my mum and my brothers Ross and Seto, how we work our asses off just to pay for a tiny motel room and my mum searches for jobs everyday.
"Tyler, I'm so sorry. Can I help with anything? I mean my dad may have a few job openings. He is in need of a secretary, and it's high paying."
"I would love that! Want to ask her now?" I ask the pink-haired kid, his head nodding profusely. We walked back to the motel and I went up to the room.
Kyle's POV
I watched as he entered the room and followed. I saw a small kid on the bed that jumped at the sight of us. "Tyler!"
"Hey Seto! Where's Ross?" He asked the small cloaked child, I presumed was Seto. "He hasn't returned from work ye-" he was interrupted by the door closing. Another young boy, about 14, walked in. His hair was messy and his clothes looked ripped.
"Ross? Are you okay?" Tyler approached him. Without taking a look at me, Ross rushed towards his brother, crying heavily. Tyler held the teen, sitting down on the bed with him. "Th-The lady w-was-" he's cut off by a woman walking to the door. She walks over to Tyler, they whisper a few things, then Tyler takes Ross to the bathroom.
"So your Kyle?" She turns to me. "Yes ma'am, I am a friend of Tyler's and I want to ask you something." She nods telling me to go on. "My dad is the owner of the comics company down the road and he needs a secretary. It's a high paying job an-OOFH!" Ms.Christie tackles me in a hug. "Thank you so much! Thank you thank you thank you!," she calms herself down and looks me straight in the eye. "I can tell you like Tyler though, take good care of him." I blush and she walks into the bathroom to help the boys, while Tyler walks out.
"So um, could I have your number?"
After being best friends with Tyler for the longest time, then boyfriends for a few months,I decided that would take him out on a date and ask him to be mine. I approached his house, which they moved out of that shitty hotel, and knocked on the door. A small hand opened the door and I heard Seto's squeal. The door flung open to show the eleven year old standing on a huffing fifteen year old back. "Hai Kyle!" He yells as Ross slowly gets up. "Hi kiddo! Where's your brother? And why were you standing on Ross?" I laugh as he points to the stairs, still trying to pin Ross. I turn to see Tyler in my favourite plaid t-shirt of his, walking down the stairs. "Ready?" "Yeah, let's go."
I bring Tyler over to the fountain we met at and sat him down. He looks at me questionably until I shush him.
"Tyler, we've been boyfriends for weeks and I want to be something more. I love you so much Tyler Christie. Everything about you is beautiful, your eyes shine like the stars, your laugh is of an angel's, and your humour is always making me laugh. So Tyler Christie, will you be my husband?" I kneel on one knee and take out a ring with the engraving of "Stand" on it. "Yes! YES! I love you so much!" He leaps into my arms, crying. I start singing our song as he joins in.

"Cause when push comes to shove, you taste what your made of." I sing slowly.
"You might bend till you break, cause it's all you can take." He responds.
"On your knees you look up, decide you've had enough."
"You get mad, you get strong, wipe your hands, shake it off."
"Then you Stand. Then you Stand."

"Yeah then you Stand. "
"Ohhhh" I sing.
"Ohhhh" He echoes it back.
"Then you Stand, yeah." We finish together, sealing it with a kiss.
I guess you could say we started by the guitar chords to our song.

THAT TOOK FOREVER GOSH. Wow I'm actually glad of this one. I got the idea of of another one-shot, but I twisted it and made my own story off of the same prompt and a bit better. So thank you reading and peace out Bacca Brigade!

Credit to original owner.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2018 ⏰

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