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Drake yawned. He wasn't quite sure where he was, but he felt hard stone beneath his head. Groaning, Drake sat up and opened his eyes. His head hurt like hell, but he managed to take in his surroundings. He was laying on black stone. Drake sniffed. He smelled smoke. He sat up quickly. The stone wasn't black... It was burnt. Just like the city around him. Worried, Drake stood. His head aches, but that was the least of his worries. "Did I lose control?" He whispered to no one in particular. Of course, no one answered. He was alone.

The hybrid made his way across the wreckage of the city, keeping his eyes open for any survivors. 'Did I do this?' Drake wondered, feeling oddly detached. He fingered the blue shard in his pocket. The power inside called to him, calming him. His vision blurred slightly, then cleared again. Drake sighed. It had been so long since he'd last seen his friends, he'd almost began to wonder if he'd imagined them. But no. Drake slipped his hand inside his pocket again. Beside the shard, Drake fingered the ancient coin, a Quarter, and remembered when his old friend Grayson had pressed it into his hands. Drake had felt his friend squeeze his hand, and Drake had felt the pressure of friendship. Telling him silently that he wasn't alone. Right before he'd jumped into that green portal, and Drake hadn't seen him since. Inside his backpack, Miya's golden chalice was wrapped carefully in cloth, hidden inside one of his many magi pockets. She'd told him directions to a museum that would pay handsomely for it, but Drake couldn't bring himself to part with it. He cared too much.

Drake passed through the gates, well, what was left of them anyway. A shiver ran down Drake's spine. Drake rubbed the back of his neck distractingly, but didn't stop walking. His Ender ear twitched as he heard voices. He paused, turning his head to hear better. "That hybrid must be nearby." Drake heard an unfamiliar voice mutter. Drakes blood ran cold. Empyreans? Or Cultists? They've both been chasing Drake relentlessly ever since he left the library. Drake ducked into a cave, listening hard. "Look at all this destruction!" A young voice gasped. The deeper voice answered. "Of course! Lord was here." He sounded ecstatic. Drake felt uneasy. So they were Cultists. Just his luck. Drake glanced behind him. The cave went in deeper. Drake glanced out the entrance nervously. The Cultists were coming closer. Drake made up his mind. He headed in deeper.

The cave headed deep underground, and the voices of the Cultists faded away. Drake exhaled, grateful. He would have to keep moving, but for now, they weren't on his tail. Thank Notch. Drake kept walking, for hours. He headed deeper and deeper, til he came to an oddly shaped tunnel cutting into the cave. Drake stepped into it carefully. The air was still, but Drake could sense the tunnel split both ways, maybe for miles. It was pitch black. "I wish I had a torch." Drake muttered, trying to figure out where he was. His foot stepped down hard onto what felt like a metal bar. Curious, Drake knelt down and ran his hand along it. He felt wooden beams linking another metal bar, and they seemed to run all through the tunnel. Then Drake realized what he was in. "A subway tunnel!" He gasped. Like under the Red Keep... Drake decided to follow it, but carefully. 'I don't know if this tunnel connects to the ones under the Red Keep' Drake thought, frowning. He hoped his luck wouldn't be that bad. He made his way down the tunnel, stepping over small puddles of water.

After a while, Drake came to a small room inside the tunnel, like the ones he and Grayson had found so long ago. Drake decided this would be a good spot to rest. He sat down, setting his backpack beside him. He really wished he had a light. His eyes were beginning to hurt after staring into the darkness for so long. He felt along the wall, searching for anything he could use. He came across an old torch and used his magic to light it. The flash hurt his eyes and he slammed them closed with a howl. The torch slipped from his hands. Drake rested his head against the wall. He kept his eyes closed, but a light still shone through his eyelids. It seemed to move, then became still again. Drakes hand brushed against something soft, like a blanket. He jerked his hand back, surprised. Then he reached out and grabbed the cloth. He studied it the best he could without his sight. It appeared to be a cloak. Drake slid it over his shoulders and was surprised by the burst of warmth he felt, as well as the magic that seemed to float around him. The cloak was magic. That much was obvious. The magic in the air faded, but the warmth Drake felt didn't go away. If anything, it got stronger, giving strength to his aching legs and tired body. Sighing, Drake opened his eyes. The light was gone, but Drake no longer minded. He felt completely at peace. The Cultists who followed him no longer seemed like such a threat. Of course, the rational part of Drake's mind told him that this feeling was probably part of the cloaks magic, but it felt good none the less. Drake kept walking, enjoying the feel of the cloak as it billowed around him.

The demon watched as Drake walked away with the cloak. He could see from the hybrids expression that he liked it. Good. He also didn't seem to realize who had given this great gift to him. Also good. The demon let a small smile appear on his lips. 'I won't let you get away from me again, dear brother.'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2019 ⏰

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