Chapter 1 - Franky

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It had been a year since Azalea returned home to me. As broken as she was, both physically and emotionally, we were back to the way things were. Falling asleep in her arms again, being able to roll over in the middle of the night and wrap my arms around her warm half naked body meant everything. I always loved when she would wear nothing but my t-shirt to bed. She knew what it did to me. I mean, it's kind of obvious, right guys?

Instead of just a typical Friday movie night at home, I had to do something special for my Azalea baby. I made her favorite blueberry pancakes, remembering our first morning together. It's been over a year and she still makes my heart skip a beat. Leaving a note beside her breakfast on the nightstand, I kiss her forehead and head off to work.

Pulling out of our driveway, I began to realize how far we have come. When she returned, I thanked God for answering my prayers. We began going to church every Sunday and brought Him into our life. She should have never made it home, but she did, so we're blessed. It took a couple of months for her hair to grow back, it now rests just past her shoulders. Her bruises went away and she has a scar now along her jawline.

With the wedding being just a week away, there was so much to do, so much money to be made. I had no idea planning a wedding would have been this hectic. It's like the best and the worst. It's hard being excited about the wedding and having to plan, because planning has never been my thing. If I could, we would go right down to Vegas and get married there. Baby girl wanted a big wedding and of course she gets what she wants. Having moved in together, it's been great, not having to see her leave. Waking up to her next to me every single day, is like.. My favorite dream, except it's reality.

My day at work seemed to drift along, simply just wanting to be with her again. Talking to Bobby, our new recruit, about him closing up for the night, I was ready to get out of there. "Make sure you drop the keys in my box when you leave kid." I grabbed my jacket and walked out to my car. Quickly revved up the engine and pulled off.

Of course we returned to Amelio's once again to remember our awkward first date. Just like that first night, I look in through the window and see her inside, except this time she was standing, waiting to be seated. I parked right next to her car and quietly walked into the restaurant. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her, running my hands to the front of her belly. I felt Azalea lean into me as she laid her head back on my shoulder. I kissed her forehead as the sound of the hostess clearing her throat filled our ears. "We're ready to seat you whenever you're ready Mrs. Minelli."

I took hold of my lady's hand as we were lead to our table. I pulled her chair out for her and watched her body ease into the seat. Sitting across from her I realize how much I love her. "Your waiter will be right with you." I nod to the hostess, as she walks off. Azalea's eyes met mine and we both smiled and giggled at the same time. "Well hello beautiful. How are my two favorite people?"

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