He's Ours

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{Contains v i o l e n c e}


Namjoon's heart roughly pounded against his chest, as the metal chains tightened around his wrists, causing him to wince in pain at the friction. He froze in place, when the grand, black door, was swung open, revealing his smug captor.

The large man stared down at the beautiful boy cockily, before taking it upon himself to slowly caress the young boy's soft cheek with his rough, veiny hands, and lean down to lowly whisper in his ear, "Where are your heroes now, pretty boy?"

Namjoon snatched his face away from the man's touch, before glaring up at him in disgust, "Don't fucking touch me! What do you fucking want from me?!" The bulky male simply grinned, only managing to increase the younger boy's frustration, "Such foul language, hmm? Speak to me like that again, and I'll have to hurt you, pretty boy." 

The older male strides over to the wide, flat screen tv across the room, and turns to stare at the raging boy once more, "Before I explain anything, watch this little video for me, pretty boy." 

Namjoon's eyes flicker rapidly, as he's temporarily blinded by the bright light of the video playing from the massive tv. The annoyed expression on his face, quickly morphed into one of concern and worry, as the horrid video came into view.

His own mother, laid bloody, bruised, beaten, and helpless, on a dirty tiled floor. Tears clouded his copper colored eyes, as he scowled at the smirking male standing across from him, "Why did you hurt her? Where is she, you fucking asshole!!"

The unnamed man shrugged, his tone teasing and mocking, "Oh, I don't know, pretty boy," his smirk widened, "Plus, it's your mother's fault you're in this position anyway. You're angry at the wrong person, beautiful."

Namjoon stared at the man in confusion, "W-what do you mean?" 

"Oh, pretty boy. Poor you, you didn't even know the secret lives your parents have lived. They go down in history, as some of the most famous drug dealers in all of Asia. Your mother hacked into our security system, and stole an immense amount of money from us, so she just had to pay. As for your father, there's no trace of him."

"And, you see, when I found out that you had connections with Bangtan, that just gives me an advantage to get more money!"

Namjoon's head throbbed painfully, as he tried to process all of this new found information, "M-my parents were d-drug dealers."

The hefty male placed his hand atop of the shivering boy's head, gently rubbing his fluffy hair, as he chuckled darkly, "What a surprise, huh?"


The group of six wrapped their arms around each other, huddling together to discuss their plan, as they stood out side of the sketchy looking establishment. Yoongi eyed the circle of determined looking men, whilst he said in a hushed tone, "We've gone over everything a thousand times. You ready?"

He nodded proudly, as he was met with a serious sounding, 'yes' from everyone, "Let's get our Joonie back then."

They all brought their hands in, before lifting them up up in the air, with a loud, "Fighting, Bangtan!"

۰۪۫B۪۫۰ ۰۪۫A۪۫۰ ۰۪۫B۪۫۰ ۰۪۫Y۪۫۰ {BtsxNamjoon} (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now