Your Love

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"Wow. Just wow."
"I know Brian, you've been saying that for the past thirty minutes."
"I know, but just, wow. Who would've thought? I mean, you have a crush on Tyler."
"Calm down Brian, besides, you should've seen Lui's reaction."
"I think I can already predict how he reacted."
"Speaking of Lui, I've got to meet up with him in a couple of minutes."
"Alright, now go get that piglet David."

David laughed before shutting the door behind him. He sighed as he drove to Lui's house.

"So how did he react?"
"Better than I expected, really."
"Well that's a first."
"Right? I just hope Tyler doesn't find out."
"Oh trust me, with the way his brain works, he'll never find out."

David laughed at Lui's comment. Though he knew it was true, he still hoped Wildcat would at least have an idea of what was going on. His thought's were interrupted by Lui's phone ringing.

"I'll be back."

It took a while before Calibre entered the house again.

"Who was it?"
"Tyler. He's back in town now, so we have to get him from the airport."
"We? I'm not going after him."
"Come on David, it's only been a year and a half."
"Only? Are you forgetting that I'm in love with him? It-"
"Felt like he abandoned you. Yeah, yeah, I know. But if you come with me you'll be able to catch up with him."

Lui's eyes sparkled. It was his way of convincing anyone to do whatever he wanted. It doesn't work on Jonathan though, oddly enough.

"Fine, but only because I miss seeing his stupid face."
"Aw, great! Now get in the car, I'm driving."

They reached the airport 25 minutes later. Tyler was sitting down on one of the benches looking at his phone.


Lui yelled from across the airport. Tyler lifted his head up to see an eager Calibre running up to him followed by an embarrassed David. All he could do was stare at him.

"Howdy doody!"
"Wow, someone hasn't changed since I've been gone."
"Shuch up Wildcat."

Tyler giggled. That's when Nogla couldn't help but blush. Tyler was truly God's work, perfect and beautiful in every way.

"Why'd you abandon us anyway?"
"Well sometimes families have issues that need to be dealt with."
"Like mom and dad issues?"

Lui asked in his squeaker voice. Tyler laughed again.

"Yes Lui, just like that."
"Oh, well I don't have any parents. Hey! Maybe you and Nogla can be my parents!"

Lui smirked at Nogla.

"I swear to god, once Tyler's gone I'm going to kill you Calibre."

Nogla muttered.

"Aw, sure! what do you say Tyler."
"I say he's a grown man that can take care of himself."

Tyler responded. Lui glared at him as the two taller men laughed.

Lui drove the two home. He still couldn't believe that the two weren't dating yet. They had such great chemistry, and yet Tyler was so distant, Lui thought.

"Hey, so you two are going to have to sleep in the living room."
"What? Why?"
"I lost the key to Tyler's room, and David's going to be home alone since Brian's out."

Tyler groaned and David facepalmed. David didn't want to admit it, but he felt that Tyler felt the same way just a little bit. But when he felt that, he would push it to the deepest part of his brain to rot and forget about. He couldn't build hope on something that he would have to wait years for. David loved Tyler, but he didn't know if Tyler really cared. He probably didn't.

David had a crisis while Tyler and Lui went out to get food. All Tyler did was mess with his head. He couldn't tell what he was really thinking. It confused the hell out of him. The signals he sent were all over the place. He sighed. Was he really in love, or was this all Tyler's game? Did Tyler want him to fall in love only to break his heart? Maybe.

The door opened and Lui walked in. David, once again, sighed.

"What's wrong dude?"
"Everything! Tyler is pulling my strings purposely, and yet I still love him."
"Maybe he feels that way too."
"What, did you ask him?"
"Yeah, but he avoided the question. Anything I say about you he ignores."
"I knew it."
"Speaking of Tyler, he wants to talk with you."
"Really now?"
"Come on David. If you don't think it's going to work, the least you could do is try."

He headed out the door, and there he was. David rolled his eyes at Tyler.

"What do you want?"
"I want you to talk to me."
"Lui has been talking about you like crazy. I figured there was something wrong with you."
"So what?"
"Wanna talk about it."

Tyler held his hand out for him. David rolled his eyes before smiling at him. He took his hand and stood beside him.


They walked for hours around the neighborhood, just talking about their problems and their lives. Eventually, they made it back to Lui's house.

"Did he open up to you yet?"
"No. Besides, he seems fine to me."
"That's because you can't see it Tyler. You can't see it, therefore you don't know what pain he's in. Try to pay more attention tonight."
"That was dirty."
"Oh shut up!"

David was jealous that Tyler had a better relationship with Lui than him. Even though they walked for six hours around the neighborhood, it clearly didn't mean anything to him. It shouldn't have mattered to him, but it did. Despite not being the jealous type, something about the way they looked at each other made David thrive for the same thing.

Tyler never thought he'd see David cry, but that night he did. It was after he had that conversation with Lui. He decided to take his advice and pay more attention. But David crying gave him all the hints he needed, or at least he thought it did.

"You alright?"
"Yeah, I just have a lot on my mind right now."
"You know you can talk to me."
"I already told you everything."
"What about what you're hiding from me?"
"That's a story for another day."

Months later, they got closer. David came out as gay, and Tyler came out as bi. David wanted to ask out Tyler, so he asked for Lui's help.

"Well if you want to confess to him you better hurry."
"Wait, what?"
"Tyler's departing for Tennessee soon."
"Oh crap!"
"Hurry lover boy!"

The two rushed to the airport and found Tyler. Lui ran out of view to watch. David ran over to Tyler.

"Hey Tyler."
"Oh, hey dude! What's up?"
"I just thought I should tell you something."
"What is it?"

David's thoughts were interrupted by a girl running up to Tyler and kissing him. He quivered and took a step back.

"Sorry for not telling you sooner, but this is my girlfriend Kelly."
"Come on Tyler! Our plane leaves in a little bit."
"Alright honey. Bye David."

All he could do was wave in response. Lui sighed.

"Oh Tyler, all he wanted was your love."

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