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" you're in the mood for a dance,
and when you get the chance
you are the dancing queen, young and sweet
only seventeen, dancing queen
feel the beat from the tambourine
you can dance, you can jive
having the time of your life
oh, see that girl, watch that scene
dig in the dancing queen "

millie : pov

the last droplet of blood trickled down my forehead slowly as the fading 80's music in the distance came to a close.

my eyes were emotionlessly staring deep into the ceiling above me, flashbacks of the events that had come to pass playing back in the crevices of my mind.

the dark room that surrounded my lifeless body was so soundproof that it shut out the entirety of screams that were emitted from the unfortunate souls that happened to be trapped there , as am i.

believe me , hours before, i had been the one screaming until my lungs could emit no more as they burned with the anger that resided within them.

at this point i longed to let myself fade away into the dark void of non existence.

i knew that soon, he would return, to dispose of me once and for all.

how did i get here, you ask?
let me take you back 3 months.

a lot can happen in 3 months.

we lay in the back of his truck, breathing together in sync softly as the crickets sang and the autumn leaves rustled in the distance.

i nuzzled in a little closer to the boy who i barely knew to get away from the cold that came with the chilling autumn air.

in response to my movements, he pulled the faded grey blanket around us tightly.

i closed my eyes, the last thing that entered my mind being the stars that shone brightly up above us.

the boy that i lay on top of , had something special about him.

i couldn't quite put my finger on it, but he was different than the other boys that i had gone out with in my small school.

we had barely spoken to eachother, and i'm guessing his main goal with me was a quick fuck, but something about him to me seemed worth exploring.

besides the fact that he was moderately attractive with brown eyes, high cheekbones with freckles, and shaggy brown hair, he seemed to have an interesting mind.

i would often see him minding his own business in the hallways and quietly talking on his cellphone.

he always seemed to be taking in new information about his surroundings.

something about that interested me.

he most definitely did not even think of loving me, and i did most definitely not even think of loving him.

to him, i was only a junior girl with an average figure , soft brown waves in her hair, and a tendency to flirt with anyone with a pulse.

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