Please Don't tell her

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Emily's POV
Now that I told Alison what we were doing, I hope she doesn't do anything stupid to try and stop us from finding who A is.
I just really want her to have that life that she never had where everything was normal, and she had a happy life with her family. I know her mom is gone, but I can still give her that life that she always dreamed of.
Writer's POV

A few weeks went by, and they still haven't gotten one text from A. Maybe he was gone for good. Maybe he finally gave up, and was tired of torturing Ali.

{ @ Rosewood High School }

"Hey guys, we're having a party at my house, we're celebrating Me and Toby's 8 month anniversary. We'd just always go out the two of us alone, but this time, I think we wanna just have fun with you guys yahknow?" Spencer suggested .
"Yeah, I think that would be fun. I mean considering that you guys are trying to find out who the hell A is, I think you need a nice break from all that pressure." Alison spoke up. Everyone kind of eyed each other, and then the girls looked at Emily.
"What!? she was gonna break up me.." Emily mumbled. Alison chuckled and said, "I wasn't really going to, I just wanted you to tell me."
"Really...?You were crying pretty hard." Emily said sarcastically.
And from that point on, the girls were just telling jokes and we're laughing their asses off.
It was 8 pm, and everyone started arriving at Spencer's house for the party. You wouldn't believe how many people Spencer actually invited.
About 10 pm, everyone was partying, having fun, drinking, and livin their life.
"Heyyyy, have you guys seen Toby?" Spencer asked. Emily shakes her head, she was way too drunk to even say a word. So Alison cutted in and said, "It's okay Spence, I'll go find him. Just stay here."

Alison went up the stairs, she searched the bathroom, the master's bedroom, and Melissa's old room when she was still here. Alison opened Spencer's bedroom door...

"Oh my god." She gasps.

Alison gasped in disbelief, as she sees Toby and Hanna making out on the floor. Obviously they were both too drunk.

Hanna looks up as she hears Ali's voice. "Alison!" She immediately got up and fixed her blouse that was almost unbuttoned. Obviously, they didn't get to that part yet.

Alison took her phone out, and started typing something. She was focused on her phone and then she snaps out of it, and looked at both of them.

Toby looked at Alison, and his face was filled with guilt. "Please don't tell Spencer! She'll did if she finds out! Please." Hanna begs.
Alison didn't say a word, she was too shocked to even speak about what she saw with her naked eyes.

She ran downstairs and looked for Emily, she was with Spence, so she couldn't really talk to Emily about Toby and Hanna alone or Spencer will know what's going on. So Alison quickly runs to the front door, and walked home.
Emily's POV

( The morning after the party )

"Owwww. Hangover hurts like hell." I said, my head hurts so bad. It's like my brain just exploded.
I quickly looked at my phone, hoping the time was still early to wake up, so I would sleep more. But it was 10 am. And I had plans today. With Ali. :)

I grabbed my phone, and see 3 new text messages from Spencer.
The first one said:
'Emily. Come see me. I need to talk.'

The second one said:
'Emily.. SOS.'

and the third one said:
'I can't deal with this. Come ASAP.'

I started to get worried. I wonder what happened with her.

I texted back saying:
'I'll be there in 10, don't worry.'

I hurried to the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth and splashed water on my face. I put on gray sweatpants and my sharks rosewood high school swim team jacket. I ran downstairs, grabbed my wallet and keys, and drove to Spencer's.

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