♡rules + information

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" oh, the dreaded rules ! "

01. Be nice. When commenting on another's story, try to give out tips and to not complain. 

 ―02. Make sure to at least do one chapter of a story each round. This is minimum, but it is recommended to do more.

03. Read the winner of each rounds'  book. Failing to do this will give you a strike, three strikes and you kicked out of the book club. You have to read two chapters, giving comments and tagging us in each one.

04. Your story must have at least two real chapters (not including prologue, author note, cast etc). Short stories must have at least one, poetry set least five.

 ―05. Follow this account and welldamnqueen . 

06. Add this to any reading list and your private library. 

07. Tell us if you change your username, book title or any other details.

08. Your book must be under 5k reads. Password is your favourite movie.

09. You can sign up a max of two books but they must be different genres.

( more rules will be added)

" information "

How do I earn points? We have two reading lists (one mature, one non-mature) and you will choose a book to read. You will write comments, not ones like good job or love it but ones that are genuine. Tag us like this in your comment (theheartcommunity ) and we will rate your comment out of five points. 

how do you become the winner? The person with the most points will win. Everyone in the book club at the time will have to read your book you signed up with. 

how do I join? Go to the form chapter and fill out the form.

 ―how many members? We are aiming to have 30 members. We may make this number smaller or larger depending on the success of this book club.

— what if the winner has a mature book and I don't read mature books? We will see what type of maturity the book is. If you are worried about sex scenes, we will check with the author. If there is any in early chapters, you are allowed to sit out or skip the scenes.

ANY OTHER QUESTIONS? Ask us in the comments or in our PMs.

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