First Kiss

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[My art:]


It's midday. The sun shines brightly overhead. Most of the soldiers are eating lunch right now. Annette would normally be eating as well, but not today. Annette's stomach feels heavy and her heart is acting jittery. Just thinking about what she's planned to do is making her nervous. Her shoes click against the cobblestone path on her way to the dining hall. Before she walks in she quickly runs her hands through her hair. She brushed it a lot this morning but is still worried she missed a spot. "I just have to do this," she sighs with determination.

Walking into the hall she looks around for where she and her friends usually sit. Ingrid sees her and waves her over. Annette joins the rest of her classmates at the table, awkwardly sitting next to Ashe on purpose.

"Annie!" Mercedes cheerfully greets. "You haven't gotten any food yet, want me to go grab you something?"

"No thanks, Mercie." Annette gives her friend a vulnerable look. "I'm not really hungry today."

"You sure?" Ashe inquires. "It's good to keep up your strength for the battlefield."

"Thanks, but I'm fine." Annette plays with a strand of hair. Mercedes smiles knowingly and doesn't say a word. Annette listens to the conversation. Sylvain is talking with Felix about how they'll need some more umbral steel soon to repair their weapons. Ashe looks like he's almost cleared his plate, prompting Annette to speak up. "Hey Ashe," he attentively looks at her midbite. "When your done do you think I can talk to you somewhere else?"

He swallows his bite. "Um, sure. I'm almost done, just give me a minute."

Annette lets out a breath. Normally they're busy every day running the army, it's hard to catch a moment between schedules. Mercedes winks at her friend, Annette glares in response.

Soon Ashe returns from putting his plate away and follows Annette outside. "What did you want to talk about?" He kindly asks.

"Um," Annette feels her heart flutter again. "Its...i-in the garden." She lies. "I was hoping you could look at this one plant for me."

"Well, if you say so." Ashe seems a little puzzled. They walk together, Annette glancing around to make sure no one else is watching.

"Gah!" An obstacle makes her tumble. Ashe grabs his friend before she hits the ground.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, who put that bush there?" Annette brushes her dress off and shakes her head with embarrassment.

"You sure?" Ashe looks at her with concern. "There isn't anything off with you? One of the clerics can check if you're sick."

"I'm fine," Annette huffs. She peeks up at her friend. He's gotten taller over the past few years, and more handsome as well. His hair is more styled, his face is more defined, but his pale green eyes are as soft as ever. They seem to pierce right through her. Her legs feel a little weightless but she quickly straightens her stance. She can't change her mind now, she has to do this! Who knows when she'll get another chance? She takes a deep breath and faces him completely.

" I didn't bring you here to see a plant. All the interesting ones would be in the greenhouse anyways." She chuckles nervously before continuing. "The truth is, there's something I need to tell you. There's a lot I wanna tell you but I don't know how to say it all."

Ashe furrows his brow, "What do you need to tell me?" Dang it, why does he have to be so attractive! Annette stares up at his lips, heart pumping. It would be easier to do this if they were still students, back then they were closer to the same height.

"Just... lean down a little bit," she instructs. Ashe obeys, tilting his ear slightly towards her in case she needs to whisper whatever she has to say. Annette reaches up, pulls gently on the sides of the hoodie around his neck, and places her lips against his. She keeps her eyes closed, not daring to look at his reaction. His lips are soft, her hands rest gently on his shoulders. After staying like that for a few seconds, Annette slowly pulls away and opens her eyes.

Ashe's eyes are wide open, eyebrows raised in shock. His face and the tips of his ears are flushed a light shade of pink. His freckles stand out on his nose and cheeks. Annette tries to hide her smirk, but can't stop herself from giggling.

"W-What?!" Ashe stutters, trying to regain his composure.

"Your freckles!" Annette smiles. "Your face is so bright I can see each one!"

Ashe covers his face with his hands, embarrassed. "It's not funny, you caught me by surprise!"

"Sorry," Annette sheepishly grins. "I didn't know how else to tell you how I feel."

Ashe rubs the back of his neck, revealing his timid smile. " really feel that way about me?"

"Yeah..." Annette looks at the ground, shuffling her feet. " feel that way about me?"

"I...." Ashe stops his sentence, getting a better idea. He bravely steps close to Annette, holds her face up to his, and kisses her back. He's a little awkward about it, not being used to kissing and everything, but Annette doesn't notice. They break apart, smile at each other, then start laughing together.

"Oh Ashe, I'm so happy!" Annette hugs him with joy.

"Me too, I feel like I'm the luckiest guy in the world!"


Ashe and Annette walk back to the dining hall holding hands. Most of the soldiers have left for their duties already, but the rest of the blue lion table is still there. They immediately stop their conversation as soon as the new couple walks in. Sylvain is the first to react, cheering "I KNEW IT!" and hitting Felix on the back. The swordsman glares at his friend but then smirks contently as he takes a sip of tea. Mercedes and Ingrid stand up to congratulate the two. Byleth struggles to get everyone to leave them alone, wearing a rare smile the entire time. 

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