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[Art source:]

There are so few fanfics for these two! When I find any other stories I'm gonna link them here so you guys can find them as well, and support the people who wrote them. 

If you find any others I missed comment them so I can go read them too!


Something to Protect:

^^^This one is my favorite! Ashe goes up to Gilbert and asks for Annette's hand in marriage. The writing matches the characters very well.

Pheasant Roast:

^^^This one is great as well! Annette makes a mess in the kitchen and Ashe kindly helps her fix the situation. It's a cute scenario I can easily see happening during the school year.

 Growth Spurt:

^^^This one has some language, just a warning for the younger fans. It's a comedy story about Annette being mad at Ashe for becoming so handsome over the past 5 years. It's a little out of character, a little extreme, and just a funny story not meant to be taken seriously. It made me laugh. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2019 ⏰

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