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Addilyn was embraced in his arms and the outside world seemed to fade away. They had only known each other for such a short period of time yet they felt they had known each other for years. The day he moved next door and caught a glimpse of Addilyn's glimmering ocean eyes he knew she was his.

BEEP! BEEP! "Jesus Christ!" Addilyn exclaimed as she woke up to the blaring noise of her alarm. 

"I was actually having a really great dream and for once can my alarm not go off at bloody s- oh wait never mind" She had been waiting for this day, It was finally her 16th birthday! She was supposed to get up early to plan for her slumber party. All the girls were coming over and boy did she have a lot to plan.

 "Addilyn get your butt down here if you plan on having a functional birthday party tonight!" screamed Rainey. Addilyn had always known that Rainey LOVED being on time to absolutely everything but seriously on her birthday? 

"Good morning to you too" Addilyn stated sarcastically. 

"oh baby sister I've been hard on you since the day you were born, why stop on your birthday." she chuckled. 

"fair enough, but do I have a dream to tell you about." 

Addilyn and Rainey always had a very closer relationship for sisters they were more like friends. They told each other their darkest secrets and each other were the first person to know about them. Whether it was who Addilyn's new crush was or even the fact that Rainey liked girls how she supposed to like guys. They had a really open relationship especially when it came to telling each other about dreams. Rainey had always believed that every dream has meaning whether it was you're stressing too much or the universe was trying to tell you something.

"So you know how lately I haven't been dreaming, well I had a dream last night and boy was it a wild one."

"OoOoOh sounds juicy spill."

"Well, basically you know how the house next door has been sold but no one has moved in?"

"Yeah, AND?"

"Well the family finally moved in and there happened to be this really cute guy who moved in and.."


"That's it I woke up and the dream was over."

"Girl you better get back to bed, finish that dream and tell me"

Once Addilyn and Rainey had gotten all the supplies and were prepared for three energetic girls they headed home and they went upstairs to her room she looked to next door to wear the usual 'SOLD' sign sat but it was no longer there. She further investigated the front yard to see a massive truck that read 'North Neck Removalist'. The buyers had finally moved in. If Addilyn was lucky maybe there would be a kid her age she could hangout. She turned back to see Rainey grinning at her. "maybe it wasn't a dream, after all, I think the universe was trying to tell you something, Addy."At first, she was confused until she turned back around to see him.

Author's note: Hi and thank you for choosing to read my story! unfortunately, the story might seem to have a slow start but please stick with me I promise you won't regret it. Another note the story WILL be released by chapters so please be patient and thank you again. XD

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