Caleb's First Sight

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(Caleb's point of view AKA the boy next door)

New house, new room and new neighbours. It's always been just Mum and I so hopefully this move was for the better he thought to himself . It was a new place Caleb could hopefully call home. He never thought he was gonna like It here till he saw her. Some believe that humans have a sixth sense whether it was telepathy or telekinesis but at that moment Caleb knew his was having eyes in the back of his head. He was helping the removals company in the late afternoon to unload all the boxes in the rooms. Kinda like when Peter Parker gets his spider senses Caleb gets his eyes behind his head tingles. He felt like someone was watching him he then heard someone shouting "ADDY'S GO THE HOTS FOR THE NEW NEIGHBOUR!!". 

He immediately blushed and looked up to where the shouting there he saw the most breathtaking girl he had ever seen. Her eyes were as blue as glimmering sapphires and smile was glowing, her cheeks were a rosy pink probably blushing from embarrassment after someone yelling that out. He would be too. "Maybe moving here was not such as bad idea", he chuckled to himself.

He gathered from the shouting that her name were along the lines of Addy or maybe it was just a nickname. He continued to go back outside pick up a box and glance up to where he saw the gorgeous girl but she was nowhere to be found. Maybe it was too good to be true. Eventually he gave up to find reasons to go outside so he just stayed and unpacked in his room. Caleb had always found it hard to make new guy friends not just from lack of social skills but many people found him intimidating from his height. Although find female friends was right down his ally. Girls would literally throw themselves at him due to his good looks and his tall build. On valentines day he received 16 valentines card asking him to be his valentine. Although he had all these girls chasing after him, he had never had a girlfriend. He always talked about finding the 'One'. They way his was feeling now he thought he might have possibly found her, but he promised he wouldn't get ahead himself because people can really let you down. Caleb's always found it hard to trust ever since his Dad left him so maybe that's why he doesn't get his hopes up.

Caleb was just getting ready for bed when yet again heard screaming but not like the last. It was more like squealing little girls. He had just had a shower so he just chucked on whatever clothes weren't in boxes. He went to open his window to see what they fuss was about when he heard. "OMG OMG OMG"





Amusingly he perched on his windowsill listening into his conversation. He assumed they were talking about him or there was just another really good looking guy who also just moved in that they were talking about. When he finally amused enough he spoke and said. "hey if you guys are gonna talk about me at least say it a bit quieter". he chuckled about how silent they had gotten. "Go ahead continue you were just talking about how my messy brown hair was placed so effortlessly." the girls exchanged giggles. I though if it was the girl he thought it was he was just gonna have to shoot his shot. "Hey Addy is it how bout we hangout and see where things go?" he had done it, he actually asked out a girl. Silence absolute silence. had we gone too far. The silence was absolutely deafening. He was certain she was gonna say no. "She'd love to, how about tomorrow?". Without hesitation he said "tomorrow it is, Goodnight unless you gonna talk about my amazing physique." He had done it, he successfully asked out a girl  and her friend answered for her even if she didn't want to. Now he had to work up the courage to actually talk to her. He was kind of housebound due to the last incident but she can't know that no one can so maybe he can shoot some hoops with her or something. I'm sure I saw here wearing a basketball shirt, so that might work he though to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2019 ⏰

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