ooh hi!

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This is it, i said to myself. As i was trying to carry all my things up in my new room, i was thinking, should i really do this? Now Im going to live in a dorm, without my parents, siblings, television, radio, food, whatsoever. I'll be living all by myself at the age of 17. Though our house was just a little far from school, i chose to leave and try to stay near our school. Even though the consequences are really heart breaking. No one will be there to prepare my things for me. I am left doing everything, even my laundry. Urgh i hate washing the clothes. Yes, i can cook, but please, i dont want to was my clothes. That's the last thing i would do as a regular errand. But nonetheless, im pretty much excited to be all independent and meet my roommates. Wish me luck!

"Hi saaaaaam!!", Diana greeted me with full enthuasiasm. "Hi yani!", i greeted back. Diana and I are classmates in some of the my subjects in college. We have the same course yet differs in some of the subjects we're currently taking. I just smiled at her and waived my hand when she greeted me. I was never the kind of person to be jolly when it comes to greetings, i dont even greet with hugs and kisses. That's just awkward. I didnt grow up in a clingy family though i know we are close, but not physically.

"Oh my gosh we're officially roommates! I hope we get to hang out most of the time. You should also teach me when we have homework and quizzes ok?haha", Diana started to talk a lot and i cant help but just laugh at her for being so bubbly. I dont dislike here for being like that. It's even better because it removes the tension i get when it comes to first times. You know, this is my first time to live in a different place with new people around me. I need to adjust and deal with a lot of differences i can have with my roommates.

"And oh by the way, this is my sister, Amy.", Diana said. Amy waived at me with a shy smile. I waived back making her comfortable with me. She's a freshman in college so i need to make herself comfortable especially in school.

We had a lot of work to do since we needed to arrange all of our things in that small room we have. It was quite a challenge for us since we did bring a lot of things, knowing we will be spending a whole year in this tiny place. Now i miss our house. Can i still back out and stay in our home instead? I battled with myself a few times through out the day. "You can do this sam, i know you can", i said to myself.

The day went by so fast and exausting. We decided to have our dinner outside since we were already so tired to cook for our own meal. "Where should we eat?", i asked Diana who was so busy with her phone. "Yana! Where will we eat?", i asked again. Still, busy, ok so this girl has a hearing problem huh? "Yana!!", i shouted. "hey!! There's no need to shout ok?", Diana exclaimed. "Well i called you 3 times already.", i protested crossed my arms and pouting my lips as a sign of annoyance. "Oh, really?? Ha ha. Sorry i was just texting someone, im not really a multitasker ok?". "Alright, you're forgiven for now. Now can i ask you without repeating myself?", i sighed as i already have her attention. I was getting really hungry already. "Yeah yeah what is it again?", Diana asked me with an embarrassed grin. "Where will we eat?", rolling my eyes since this will be my 4th time to ask her that question.

"Im soooo full!", Diana is such a bubbly person, as i mentioned earlier. But it's really nice to have her as a roommate, all these bubbliness im getting from here is just something that i cant exchange with some weird rommates i can possibly have. One thing is for sure, im also very full! Now i can go to bed, close my eyes and wander in dreamland, my favorite place. "Good night sweet samantha, i will wait for you in dreamland", says my prince charming in disguise.

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