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"Hyung, hurry up! We're gonna be late!"

Seokjin cursed under his breath as he struggled on slipping his shoes on.

He swear, he didn't mean to finish watching the Harry Potter series last night.

Pulling the knot in place, he stood up on his feet, reaching for the back pack on his bed, dashing for the door. He didn't bother closing the door, what was the point?

Taking huge, fast steps, his jeans hugging his legs and grazing on his skin, making him feel a tad bit uncomfortable. He slings the backpack over his shoulder when he joins Jimin at the door step.

"You good hyung?" the younger asked, giving Seokjin a smile.

Returning the smile, Seokjin winked. "Yep. Let's not keep them waiting longer." He said, grabbing Jimin's wrist as he closed the dorm's door behind him.

"You were the one keeping us wait longer, hyung. Be thankful I was generous enough to wait for you." Jimin huffed only causing Seokjin to chuckle at the smaller's antics. Why was Jimin trying to look big while being small?

"You do know you just said that out loud?"

Seokjin smirked, "Yep, and I intended it."

Jimin gasped, mocked hurt as he slapped the shoulder of his older. "This is what I get for showing my kind services to you?"

"The only kind service you have done for me, Park Jimin, is staying small. You don't know how relieved I was, now that Jungkook and Taehyung are catching up to my height."

"I am offended and hurt. I'm disowning you as my hyung."

Seokjin laughed, grinning ear to ear and giving Jimin a playful sneer as they stopped in front of the car. "Like you can do that."

Jimin paused, standing still. "You're right, I can't. Love you hyung." He uttered, giving Seokjin a quick side hug, the older shaking his head, grin still playing on his lips.

"Are you sure you're not buying anything, Yoongi hyung?" Taehyung asked, admiring a pair of male blouses on the racks, giving the older a glance in the mirror just beside them.

Yoongi shrugged, holding onto his phone, "I got enough clothes. Maybe next time."

"Problem is: We don't know when our next time is, Yoongi." Seokjin inputted, five aisles away from the pair.

"True that, I'm buying what ever I find that looks nice and if it doesn't look good on me then I'll just have to give it to some relative." Hoseok joined, beside the maknae and his room mate, three aisles at the opposite side of Seokjin.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. They weren't going to let him go. "Fine, maybe a hoodie or some underwear."

"Isn't that your fifth time buying underwear since last month?" Jungkook wondered, checking out the fabric of a hoodie, the soft cloth between his fingers as he palmed it with care.

"My underwear is everyone's underwear. Why do you think I buy a lot?" Yoongi challenged at the maknae.

Jimin laughed from their side, bending down, his hand hovering over his lips in attempt of covering his open mouth. "Can you really blame us, Yoongi hyung? You're underwear is basically everyone's size in the dorm."

Yoongi shot the younger a glare, "Don't you have your own pairs?"

"Oh please, you have to admit. The fact that we share underwear keeps us closer than others. We share something special that we can only share among ourselves." Hoseok says in a dramatic voice, earning chuckles from the others, aside from Yoongi who rolled his eyes, and slaps from Jungkook and Jimin.

"Does this look okay on me, Jin hyung?"

Seokjin turned to his right, only to see Namjoon standing in front of him. He eyed the taller from head to toe, tilting his head as the male spinned slowly for the other.

"The bottom makes your legs look small, hence making you look short. Change the bottom since the top is good on you." Seokjin commented, licking his lips. "A tighter pair."

Namjoon smiled at the older's honest opinion. "Tighter. Got it." He said.

Seokjin places the hoodie he had been holding on the rack before turning away from Namjoon. "I'll get you a pair, wait for me at the fitting room." He said, waving the younger back.

"'Kay, I'll wait for you." Namjoon humned, trudging away as Seokjin went to search for a better pair of pants.

Seokjin looks around, walking pass the other members. Making his way to the jeans section, he started picking out pairs that looked right for Namjoon. Atleast almost right.

Having five pairs in his arms, he settles with it for the mean time before walking to the fitting room.

Entering and knocking on the first cubicle, he taps his foot against the marble floor.

"Hyung?" He heard Namjoon call from the small cubicle.

Seokjin smiled, knowing very much Namjoon couldn't see him. "Yeah, I got five with me. Try them on and see what you're comfortable with." He says, shaking the jeans he held, the hangers clapping against each other.

"I only got three spaces here, mind if you hold the other two for a while?" Namjoon asked.

"Sure, just don't take too long." Seokjin said, taking hold if three in his free hand, pulling it over his shoulder, saying, "Heads up." before slinging it on the cubicle's door.

"Thanks hyung."

Seokjin hummed in acknowledgedment, stepping back until his back touched the wall. He leaned back, looking around the mint green walls of the fitting room, eyes trailing over the white doors of the cubicles, landing on the mirror at the end of the room, meeting eyes with himself.

Out of habit, he winked, causing him to silently snort and chuckle. Even he was flustered over himself.

He continued to admire himself in the mirror until he eyed the jeans that hugged his legs. He tilted his head in wonder, his eyebrow unconsciously raising.

Had his legs ever been that — what do you call this — big?

"Hyung, you still there?" Namjoon called, immediately cutting Seokjin's thought, his head snapping to the peeking hand from the top of the door.

"Yeah, sorry 'bout that." Seokjin apologized, handing him the last two pairs he held.

Namjoom gave a small thank you, pulling the hangers from the elder's hand. "Is there something wrong?" He asked, not really knowing why he asked in the first place.

"I was looking at the mirror. Haha, you know how I am." Seokjin joked.

Namjoon rolled his eyes, sighing. "I know, hyung. I know."

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