Requested → BEANZ

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CONVERSEKIDD04 I hope you enjoy this :)
"Are you hoes done?" Liyah yelled throughout the house
"We're coming damn" Brandon said fixing his hair
"Rude" Zion mumbled
"I swear you guys take longer to get ready than I do, and I'm the girl!" Liyah said
"Hey perfection takes time" Austin said
"Not that you'd know" Edwin added
"Shut yo bitch ass up Marilyn Manhoe" Liyah shot back

Once all 6 of them had successfully made it out the house, Liyah started the van and drove them to the mall for their monthly shopping day. The trip was short and sweet, mainly consisting of them making funny videos. Once they'd made it to the mall they split up, going to diffarent stores

"Okay, we make sure to meet at the food court by 15:00 on the dot" Liyah said looking at her watch
"And if we don't?" Edwin asked
"Then you pay for your own lunch" Liyah smirked "now go on children"

Liyah made her way to Forever 21, checking out the new Stranger Things collection. She had a couple of bags in her hand already as she walked around the store. She picked up two shirts of the same material but different colours, holding them up to see which one she'd like

"The orange one would look amazing on you, y'know bring out your skin colour more" a velvet voice said behind her. She turned around to lock eyes with a man, taller then her with the most beautiful eyes she could imagine

"Thanks" Liyah said suddenly shy
"It's a pleasure..." he drawled out hoping Liyah would say her name
"Liyah" she filled in
"Oh, Steve" the guy introduced
"Like Steve Harrington? Steve?" Liyah joker referring to the ST collection she was by
"Oh I wish, I could never be the "hair of Hawkins", my hair is crap" the guy joked
"Nothing a little dry shampoo couldn't fix" Liyah smirked

They had continued their conversation onto the checkpoint where Steve paid for Liyah's shirt despite her many objections. She looked at the time to see it was 15:43. She was late.

"Shit" she mumbled
"Right! I say gay rights should be legal everywhere by-
"No, shit in like I'm 44 minutes late to meet my kids!" Liyah panicked
"Your kids?" Steve asked
"Yes, the plural of kid? As in more than one- look i can't give you a grammar lesson, thanks for the shirt Steve I hope I see you again bye!" Liyah rushed out before running toward the food court where 5 seemingly angry guys sat eating their food

"You guys ate without me" Liyah joked out of breath
"Oh look who decided to finally pitch up after" Brandon glances at his watch "50 minutes late"
"Look guys I'm sorry I just-
"Sorry to disturb gentlemen, Li you forgot the shirt" Steve said from behind you

You shut your eyes, hoping you were dreaming and turned around slowly but when you opened them again, there stood Steve in his shining glory with the bag

"Thank you-
"Liyah, who is this man" Zion asked
"Steve this is is Brandon, Edwin, Austin, Nick and Zion. Children this is Steve" you introduced

The boys kept quiet, eying Steve cautiously before they each got up and threw their trash away. Liyah knew exactly what they were doing. They'd done it everytime she introduced them to a boyfriend or even a simple guy friend. She sighed.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no" Nick began "did I mention, no"

With that Zion hitched her over his shoulder, Austin taking her shopping bags and grabbing the one from Steve . Leaving him there shocked. Liyah lifted her head, looking at Steve and mouthing a quick

"I'm sorry"

I changed your storyline a bit, sorry babe💚

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