Chapter 15: Mission This Will Be Impossible

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😎Chapter 15: Mission This Will Be Impossible😎

"My anaconda don't! My anaconda don't! My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun!" Jane and I were singing at the top of our lungs during lunch.

Jonathan looked so embarrassed that when ever someone walked pass us he would say sorry on behalf of Jane and I.

Jonathan and I were on good terms. We didn't talk to each other that much but did when needed. After we had finished singing Anaconda, we were about to sing another song when Aiden came over with his arm wrapped around Ahra's waist.

Since when were they together? It had only been a few hours and Aiden already had his hands on the new girl.

"Hey ladies and gentlemen...and Jonathan," Aiden smiled over to Jonathan who returned it with a frown, "I would like to introduce you to my new girlfriend, Ahra." Ahra gave a sheepish wave towards us.

Jane and I looked at each other with confusion. "Aiden Nolan? A girlfriend? You've never had a girlfriend before. It's either a fling or a one night stand." Jane said, still having a confused expression. Aiden's smile became wider and replied to Jane with, "Well things change."

They both sat down with us. I tried ignoring them but it didn't help that they were giggling and being all flirty with each other.

I was starting to get a bit jealous of the two. I've know Aiden longer than anyone and he chooses someone who he has just met to be his first girl friend?! I know I'm over reacting but how would you feel if you saw someone you love more than anything, not love you back, loving someone else? I bet you would feel like sh*t wouldn't you?

Jane sensed the tension in the air and placed her hand on my knee. She gave me her don't-worry-he's-not-worth-it look. I knew he wasn't worth it but I couldn't control who I had a crush on. No one could.

When the bell went we headed to our last classes, except for Aiden and Ahra. "Hey we're just going to go on a little date. See ya guys later." They both walked into the student parking lot and into Aiden's car.

"I'm gonna do it." I said sharply to Jane.

"You're going to do what?"

"I'm going to get over him."


School had just ended and Jane and I were walking to my car in the parking lot.

"So how are you going to get over him exactly?"

"I'll try and find someone else. Someone actually worth caring for. So that's why I need your help. To help me find this someone worth caring for. You know every guy in the whole grade."

"Hmm...oh I know exactly who this someone could be!" she started squealing jumping up and down. I'm starting to rethink asking Jane for help.

"And who could this someone be?" Jane turned her head around to look behind her.

"Oh no, anyone but him."

"Come on. Just try it out. I'll drive your car to your place and you can go on your first date with him."

I was thinking this over whether or not to but I guess I could give it a shot. I had nothing to lose.

I would hang out with him and try hinting him to ask me to be his girlfriend.

"Fine!" I walked over to him while he was about to hop into his car.

"Um hey Jo. So you wanna like go out somewhere this afternoon." I couldn't help but feel nervous. I've never had a boyfriend before. "Sure." Jonathan gave me a toothy grin which made me relax instantly.

We went into his car and drove to his place. I walked in and was greeted by his little sister, Jessika. "Hey Gracie! Has my big bro finally asked you on a date." I started giggling and Jessika ran up to me giving me a huge hug. Jessika was like a little sister to me. I took care of her when we were little.

Our families were really close and would go out almost every weekend. We don't really do that anymore since our parents were always busy now.

A few seconds later Jonathan's mom came out from the kitchen and greeted me with a hug and kiss on the cheek. I wonder where Jonathan's dad is?

"Jess, Mom, me and Grace are going to go up to my room so don't disturb us." We walked up to Jonathan's room and just before he closed the door we heard Jessika say, "Remember to use protection!" Jonathan slammed the door shut staring at the door as if his sister would sense it. Meanwhile, I was laughing my head off on his bed.

"Ha-ha very funny." After I had calmed down a bit, I patted the spot next to me on the bed. Jonathan followed and sat down next to me. Jonathan asked me why I asked to hang out and I told him that we haven't hanged out together in a while.

"Hey so what do you think about Aiden and Ahra? Are you okay with it?" Jonathan asked sounding a bit nervous to ask and a bit concerned.

"I'm not fine but I'm still okay with it. You know sometimes I wish I was in a relationship. You know, to get over him."

Operation get a boyfriend has commenced.

"Really? Why don't you ask a guy out then?"

"Cause I'm a girl. The guy has to make the first move."

"Ha I never thought you were that kind of girl. What if guys are too nervous to ask you?"

"Well they shouldn't. I wouldn't do anything bad if they asked. I'm most likely to say yes anyway."

It looked like Jonathan was taking this into consideration. Yes the plan is actually working!

After that conversation we started playing monopoly downstairs in the living room. After playing for the fifth time I had to go home. "Hey Grace, um you know how you said like you always wanted to be in a relationship?" I nodded while gathering my things, "um would you like to... go out on Friday night?"


"Sure." I gave Jonathan a small smile to not show how excited I was. Jonathan gave me the details for when he'll pick me up while we were driving to my place.

I walked into my house and turned on the lights to find Jane sitting on the couch looking all professional like. "Has the plan worked?" was the first thing she asked me. I plopped myself down next to her and told her everything that had happened while at Jonathan's.

"Hahahahaha so his sister really said that?" Jane couldn't stop laughing.

" what's the next step of the plan?"

"I don't know, you're the one who thought of doing this. Just go with the flow and see where it takes you. Maybe Jonathan will make the first move."

"I hope so. I really need to get over Aiden!"

Jane patted me on the shoulder giving her 'everything will be alright' speech. After we discussed everything planned for this operation Jane was picked up by Ben. They were officially boyfriend and girlfriend when they went on a date yesterday night. I have a feeling
that Ben's going to be sticking around for a while.

After Jane had left I went upstairs into my room and jumped back onto my bed. I couldn't stop thinking about the plan. I was starting to feel guilty about this. I was using Jonathan for my own benefit. He didn't know that this relationship would be one sided. But I hope this goes to plan and I'll get over Aiden. Eventually...


What up little pups!!!

Do you think Grace with give up on liking Aiden? Do you think it's a bad idea for Grace to use Jonathan like this?

So how do you like the new girl Ahra so far?

Anyway until the 31st...

Peace out girl/boy scouts!!!

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