Percy Jackson 14

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"Why are you doing this to yourself?"

"I have to"

"No you don't, you could just leave them, let them face the problem alone, like they did to you"

"I can't just leave them, they are..."

"They are what? Your friends? Open your eyes! They are nothing but traitors! You don't owe them this!"

"I must help them"

"No! Face the fact! You are just torturing yourself. For what? Your "friends"?"

"No! It's not like that!"

"You know it is"

"Can you just shut up?"

"You know this is not your problem, you don't need to make others problems yours"

"Stop it!"

"Remember Percy, you will regret this"


"Oh honey, this is all yourself"


"Hey Jax!" I turned around to see a girl with red hair, emerald eyes and her clothes were covered with paint and drawings.

Oh no, Rachel, she would see right through me. She haven't had any visions. hopefully.

"Uh hey, do I know you?" I said, she chuckled, "I am Rachel Elizabeth Dare, the oracle" she said and took out her hand for a greeting.

I took her hand an shook it. I knew her, but Jax didn't. What would a guy who didn't know her say. Something like "oh? You are a oracle? How much do you get paid? I would like to start a career as an oracle" or maybe "why do you look like a walking painting?"

Nothing came out of my mouth before she said "If you don't know what an oracle is, it is a person who gives prophesies and stuff"

"Wow sounds interesting" I said trying to think of something intelligent to say. Hopefully nothing that would reveal my identity.

"Yeah probably" she said. I was trying to make an excuse to run away from her.

"But, Rachel, I have to feed my plant. So I really have to go now" I said and was about to walk away

"Wait! Are you trying to get away from me?" She said and raised an eyebrow. "Noo" I said nervously "I just really have to feed my plant.

She gave me a suspicious look "Uh, ok, se you around then"

"Yeah see me around! Wait I mean see you around! Yeah that was what I meant, you know, my plant is hungry i should probably hurry." I said and ran away before she could say something.

Well, the fact that I was busy trying to get away from Rachel made me run right into Justin.

"Hey see were you are go-... Oh. Jax, hi" He said. Could this day get anymore worse? "Hi, I have to feed my plant, so can you just get out of my way?" I said trying not to be to cold.

"Yeah sorry, wait. Are you going to feed your plant?"

"Yeah, have you something against it?" I said harshly and crossed my arms. Justin shaked his head and let me walk past him.

I walked away from him and straight to the kano lake. I sat there with my feet in the water. Closing my eyes i could only think of one thing.

I regret coming here

The voice in my head chuckled.

"I told you"

Wow this chapter came faster then i thought. Thank u soooo much for all the reads and supports. I really appreciate it.

Now that i got some of my motivations back I will try to make a schedule. I think I will release a chapter maybe once or twice a week.


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