Rain | Bakugou Katsuki x Reader

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(Y/n POV)


The continuous fall of each raindrop rings just slightly in my ear as the dreary grey colour continues to paint over the sky, almost reflecting what pain is going through my heart right now.

Betrayal? Hate? Sadness? All of them mush together into one gigantic feeling that wind up crushing my heart and stomach in an uneasy sense.

We were meant for each other? We were soulmates? What funny lies coming out of their mouth.

Wrapping myself closer into my blanket, I snuggle into the empty warmth surrounding my body that warms my body in the cold harsh winter. Looking out of the window, my eyes become glossy watching the rain pours down from the sky.

'The rain brings bad memories', I think to myself as I touch the cold glass with my weak fingers.

I breathe out warm air from my lungs and blow into my hands. Turning around, I stare into my own empty dorm room and wipe the tears that form in the corner of my eyes.

Feeling the pit in my stomach grow even more so, I get up from my bed and get my umbrella out. Wrapping a blue scarf around my neck, I place my boots on and prepare to head out to town. I lazily look into the mirror before leaving my room and stare into my grief stricken face. In the corner of the mirror I spot my photo I took with my ex-lover and run my fingers over it. I read the writing written underneath it as it says 'I'll always love you'.

Letting out a sad chuckle, I whisper under my breath while taking it carefully off the mirror and tossing it into the bin, "Lies..."


Standing at the corner of a street, I watch the traffic lights exuding their bright vibrant colours in the dark foggy sky and blankly gaze into the distance. I remember finding out the truth about what they were doing behind my back and how it all went down when I decided to confront them about it.

The ringing of the traffic lights echoes into my ears and the sound is slowly drowned out by the noise of my own thoughts occupying my head as I think back to the days.

Those bittersweet days.

I grip tightly onto the umbrella handle once more as I think about it, 'It happened on a rainy day as well didn't it...'

"(Y/n)..." I am dragged out of my thoughts as I feel a hand lightly touch my shoulder.

I turn around and see spiky blonde hair and piercing red eyes staring straight at me; almost as if he could tell the emotions I was keeping pent up inside myself. Feeling my emotions run to the edges of my eyes once more, I turn my head back and wipe them away before he can see them.

I manage to mutter out with a slight crack in my voice, "Do you need anything Katsuki?"

I don't know if he knows about what happened to my ex and I, or whether he saw how glossy my eyes were. Nevertheless, I will continue to act as if he doesn't know.

"The lights turned green ages ago," His tone is almost too gentle even for Katsuki, making me infer that he probably knows about what happened a few days ago, "You're going to catch a cold if you stand here in the rain in the winter cold. You're a real idiot sometimes (Y/n)."

I scoff and roll my eyes while crossing the road before it manages to turn red once more as Katsuki walks beside me. I retract further into scarf and breath out once more to make my scarf a little warmer. Silence fills the air around us as we walk together; side by side. I assume that he needs to get something from the supermarket as well and just continue to walk.

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